Part 34

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It's dark outside, the sun having sunk below the horizon a long time ago. Harry's walking towards Zayn's trailer with a spring in his step, looking up at the moon and listening to the gravel crunching beneath his feet. He feels alive. Ready for adventure. He's been waiting, but tonight's the night. They're going to the office complex to investigate, and even though Harry's nervous, he's more excited. Plus he's with Zayn. Everything will be fine.

If he squints his eyes he can just make out the trailer, with lights on inside. It's become a familiar sight over time, something Harry's came to see as a second home. An escape he can go to if he doesn't want to face the real world for a while, because the real world is a terrible place with terrible people. At least he's trying to do something about it. And now he has Zayn to share that burden with him, and after tonight maybe another person.

Things are starting to get better lately, which must mean he's doing something right. He feels like the universe is saluting him, bringing him all these gifts. The most beautiful one being Zayn, in every way possible. He just can't wrap his head around it. He tries, but fails. Maybe some things shouldn't be figured out.

He knocks on the door, watches his breath form miniature clouds in the cold night air. It takes a moment before it opens but when it does, Zayn smiles brightly at him.

''Hey.'' Zayn greets him with a short kiss on the lips. ''Come on in.''

Harry sits on the couch and watches him flit around the trailer. ''You decided to clean just now?''

Zayn chuckles, a low warm sound. ''No, I'll be just a minute.''

''Okay.'' Not that Harry's complaining; he gets to watch Zayn, something he always likes to do. This time he looks like he just woke up, with his hair sticking in all directions and a soft worn sweater bunched up over a T-shirt. It's like he got dressed in a hurry.

''Done!'' Zayn comes out of his bedroom carrying a small backpack, much like Harry's. ''Aren't you wearing a coat? It's cold outside.''

Harry shakes his head. ''I only have one good coat, can't mess it up.''

''Ah, I see.'' He looks down at himself, smooths out his sweater. ''Good point.''

''You ready to go?''

''Yes, there's something I need to show you.''

Harry waits for Zayn to turn off the lights and then follows him outside, shuddering when the cold air hits his warm cheeks. ''What is it?''

''You'll see.'' Zayn holds out his hand so Harry can link their fingers together and starts walking. ''Figured it was about time.''

''I'm curious now.'' Harry starts walking closer to him, hoping to soak up the warmth radiating off him. It's not freezing yet, just cold. But just cold is enough for him to layer on the clothes and seek warmth wherever he can. ''Where is it?''

''Patience, babe.''

''Fine.'' They pass the chain-link fence and Harry is suddenly struck by memories of his first time coming here. It feels like a lifetime ago that he was waiting near the fence, kicking around in the gravel and waiting for Zayn to come get him. How mesmerised he was by just his eyes. Still is, actually. And they kissed for the first time, that day. He can do that anytime now if he wants to. It's funny how fast things change. He doesn't really realise things are changing until they already have and he's looking back on it.

''Almost there.''

Harry glances around and notices they're just walking in a small street, which is leaning more towards looking like an alley than an actual street. There's nothing special to be seen. Not that the flickering lanterns provide enough light to actually see anything. They stop abruptly, and Harry looks at Zayn, confused.

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