Part 8

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Other than the obvious stress that comes with being one of the most sought-after serial killers, there's also the attention - if that's what you could call it. Plenty of articles in which people try to figure him out, pulling questionable theories out of every dusty corner of the internet (sometimes even real books. Wow.) and generally spewing as much nonsense as they can in the hopes of saying something right. Harry shouldn't judge, he's guilty of the latter himself. Anyway, even if the articles can get annoying, they can also be an interesting read.

It's almost as if someone overheard Harry's conversation with Niall the other day - about what his symbol means - because two days later, there's an article. Of sorts. Harry stumbled across it during his regular browsing of the internet, and figures, why not read it? Theories about him and his motives always amuse him, so he lazily scrolls through the article while carefully sipping on his tea (it's still very hot).

Bane: The Exclusive Theory

We all know that anyone looking for information isn't going to find it in a newspaper. Not if what you're looking for is something beyond attention-grabbing chatter and the latest development - which, by the time it reaches the stands, isn't even that new anymore. Which is why I took it upon myself to answer the real questions: why are they doing this, and what does their symbol mean?

Let us look at the latter first: the symbol. It seems randomly selected, but when you think about it, it's really not. If you look at the drawings spread everywhere, you will notice it looks a lot like something resembling water, or waves. There are a number of meanings attached to water, all of which are... interesting.

Most frequently you'll come across 'purity', 'healing', and 'cleansing'. What is Bane trying to say with this? That they purify and cleanse their victim by killing them, or that the world is purified and cleansed of the victim? If you look at what the victims have in common, which is that they're criminals of sorts, the latter seems to be very likely.

In some instances water represents death and violence. It is easy to imagine still lakes and flowing rivers, but one shouldn't forget the destruction a storm at sea can cause. Is Bane branding their victims like this? Mark them so their deeds will not be forgotten, as the world is cleansed of their harmful souls.

Had their symbol been anything more unusual - and not something easily looked up - they would have been easier to track down. Does this mean Bane isn't particularly creative, or very smart?

But there is a more mind-boggling question:

Why are they doing this? The pattern suggests they're merely looking for justice. In what seems to be a twisted kind of way. There's also been chatter they could have been a victim of something themselves. Either way, it doesn't seem to be anyone associated with the victims, which means they're not doing this just for themselves. Are we dealing with some kind of vigilante?

Regardless of their motives, or if they believe they're acting for the greater good, anyone willing to commit cold-blooded murder is someone that needs to be stopped, even if their popularity amongst the public seems to be growing. Will Bane follow Ripper's footsteps and create a worldwide media frenzy? It remains to be seen.

By the time Harry finishes reading, his tea is left forgotten on the coffee table and his fingers are shaking over his laptop. He doesn't know why he's shaking, or trembling more like. There's an indescribable prickle running up his spine and when he flexes his hands he can almost feel them tingle.

All this time he allowed himself to believe he can stay in his little cocoon; blend into the background and buzz of other criminals, but people are starting to notice. More than he'd like. And these people are coming up with theories that seem scarily accurate from an outsider's position. But they'll never know about his mother. No, that piece of the puzzle will always be his. He's doing this for her, and people like her. They need him.

But he's scared. Not of getting caught, no. Of Liam finding out. His other friends. Losing them.

He lost his sister already.


It's his sister. She's standing in the doorway, her nightgown almost comically white and clean compared to what the kitchen looks like. And Harry.

He looks down at his hands. They're red. Everything is.

Harry shakes off the image, taking a deep stuttering breath and closing his laptop. No internet, he promises himself. At least not for a while. 

There's a lil snippet of what happened :) Don't worry, you'll find out the whole story! Next update will be on Thursday.

All the love xxx <3

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