Part 26

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It's like a switch has been turned; he's constantly communicating with Zayn, sending him pictures of his cartoons and talking about little things happening during his day. In the meantime, Zayn's looking for a new target, something they can do together. Harry's just excited to watch him work and see how he does it.

Harry's typing a reply to one of Zayn's texts as he's waiting in a small restaurant for Liam. The two of them are having lunch, which honestly feels like something they haven't done in forever. Their schedules don't work together at all, and now Harry has to share what little time there is with Louis. Honestly he's a bit bitter about it and feels like Louis just barged in and stole his friend, but he's happy for Liam. He just needs a long time to warm up to the idea, although it's been easier recently. Maybe it's because he's found someone himself. Is it the same, though? Would he compare what he has with Zayn with what Liam and Louis have? He's not sure if he can, because he's not sure what they are. They have to talk about it, preferably in person.

Harry: Can you come to my place tonight? I think we need to talk.

Zayn: Of course. x

''What you doing?'' It's Liam, he finally arrived and is now taking a seat across from Harry. He looks tired and in need of sleep, which is how he always looks when he has night shifts.

''Just... checking my email.''

''Oh,'' Liam sighs and rolls up the sleeves of his sweater. ''Heard anything new from Gemma?''

''No.'' Harry had sent her a reply, but she hasn't sent anything back yet. ''Not yet.''

''You will. She probably just needs time.''

Harry picks up his menu and looks through it, even though he always orders the same thing. ''I guess. She's taking awfully long, though.''

Liam doesn't even bother looking through his menu and observes Harry instead. ''It's difficult for her too, but you're her brother. These things take time.''

''I know. Just wish I knew what was going on in her mind.'' He closes his menu, feeling frustration slowly bubble up. It's just not going the way he wants it to. ''Wish she would just come back.''

''Hey.'' Liam places his hand on top of Harry's. It's cold, but reassuring. ''She'll come back, just be patient.''

''Thank you.'' Liam always tells Harry not to thank him, that it's his duty as a friend to be there for him, but Harry needs to do this, to let Liam know he's appreciated. The waitress shows up, interrupting their conversation until she's taken their orders. ''How's Louis?''

''Great!'' Liam says, his cheeks going red. He has that look, that shy, somewhat embarrassed look he gets when-

''Oh, gross!'' Harry slaps his hand in front of his eyes, hiding his mortified expression. ''I did not need to know that.''

''I didn't say anything!''

''Your face did!'' Harry peeks through his fingers, watching Liam turn even redder. ''How's that even the first thing to come up in your mind?''

''Well,'' Liam picks up the salt shaker, pretending to inspect it. ''Last night-''

''Stop. Stop right there.''

''You asked,'' Liam puts the shaker down and grins at Harry, that mischievous grin he gets when he's been embarrassed and is planning to return the favor. ''When's the last time you got some?''


''Don't tell me it's Niall? He doesn't seem like your type.''

Harry groans, already regretting what he said earlier. ''Niall likes girls.''

Liam tilts his head and kicks Harry's foot under the table. ''But you like him? Come on, you can tell me.''

''No, Liam. I do not like Niall.''

''Shame.'' Liam sighs heavily and puts on a pretend sad face. ''We could have gone on double dates.''

''You're so selfish.''

''Your hair is frizzy.''

Harry gasps and places a hand to his chest in feign hurt. ''You don't mean that!''

Liam just shrugs and kicks Harry's foot under the table again, which Harry tries to copy but misses and kicks the table instead. ''Ha, you missed me!'' Liam sticks his tongue out and laughs when Harry pouts.

''Anyway,'' Liam says, turning serious. ''I needed to tell you about an upcoming gig on Niall's birthday. You're coming, right?''

''Of course. I enjoyed their music last time.''

''Good.'' Liam nudges his foot this time, more as a show of affection. ''Food! Blessed food,'' he exclaims when the waitress arrives with their orders.

Harry shakes his head, but smiles fondly. His best friend can be strange sometimes, but strange is just how he likes it.

Lil filler chapter there.. next update is tomorrow! It's going so fast :(

Laters xxx <3

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