Part 21

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''Harold!'' Niall's at his desk again, and Harry almost misses the next sentence because Niall's wearing a tie. ''Did you hear? Those two nutters are both in New York now and the last scene's only a few blocks away from here!''

Harry keeps his expression carefully guarded, revealing the real shock he experienced. ''That close?''

''Yeah.'' Niall looks for a place to sit down on, but Harry's desk is littered with paper and pencils and other little things. It's been growing increasingly disorganized. ''It's like we're living some kind of bad superhero movie.''

''So more like a villain movie?'' His eyes flit back to the tie Niall's wearing and the somewhat crinkly dress shirt. It looks like he tried to iron it. ''Niall, I have to ask. What's with the outfit?''

Niall goes a bit pink in the cheeks and self-consciously strokes his tie. ''I um - decided I should put more effort in the way I present myself.''

Harry nods slowly. ''You fishing for another promotion?''

''Wouldn't hurt.'' Niall looks down at Harry's desk again, poking at some of the crumpled up papers. ''It's not like you to be this messy. Everything okay?''

''Yeah.'' Harry says it a bit too fast, but Niall seems to catch the dismissal of the subject. Liam's been incredibly supportive, especially when it comes to Harry's sister. He already replied to her, saying he'd love to try and build up their relationship again. It's weird to think they used to be pretty close, despite all the banter and fights. They got on really well. The dreams, however, are an entirely different thing. ''Thanks, Niall.''

''Anytime.'' Niall pauses, tapping his fingers on the desk twice before slipping them into his pockets. ''You should clean your desk. It'll make you feel better.''

''I will.'' Harry picks up a balled up piece of paper and throws it in the direction of the wastebasket, missing it by a few inches and making Niall laugh.

''Nice try,'' he says, walking off and leaving a frustrated Harry. He will clean his desk, but he's not sure if it will make him feel better. It would be nice if he could declutter his mind the same way, yet there always seems to be new information and a new event that shakes things up. Always something that shakes his foundation and prompts him to take steps in order to stay upright.

Harry thinks he knows his next step. There's a feeling, a sort of instinct. He needs to check out that crime scene. 

Any idea what Harry is going to find? ;) You'll find out on Friday!

Until then xxx <3   

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