Part 31

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Harry's texting his friends, resting his head on Zayn's bare stomach while he reads a book. They're in the trailer, having a lazy Sunday on the bed and trying to absorb all the sun that manages to shine through the windows. He's comfortable and warm, but once the conversation with his friends stills, he's also bored.

''Zayn,'' he whines, throwing his phone somewhere on the bed and trying to get Zayn to look at him.

''Hm?'' He doesn't look, just turns a page and keeps reading.

''I'm bored.''

Zayn lets the book fall down on his chest, gives Harry a blank look. ''I've got more books.''

''How bloody exciting.'' Harry huffs and shuffles around until his head is resting on Zayn's shoulder. ''It's hot in here.''

''Then take off your shirt.'' Zayn resumes his reading, or pretends to anyway, since his eyes are fixated on one spot. ''Nothing kept you from taking off your pants.''

''They're tight, I can't relax with them.'' Harry starts tracing his fingers along Zayn's arm, watching goosebumps appear on his skin. When he's bored of that, he runs his fingers along Zayn's side, so lightly he's barely even touching him.

''Harry,'' Zayn sighs, putting down his book next to him. Harry hasn't seen him turn a page in a while.


''You're distracting me.''

''Am I?'' he asks, grinning widely. He throws one of his legs over Zayn's and cuddles up closer to him. ''That wasn't my intention.''

(start of sexual content)

''You little-'' Zayn sits up rapidly, grabbing at Harry's leg and flipping him on the bed. Before Harry has any time to respond, Zayn is sitting on his back, his full weight pinning him down.

''What are you doing?'' Harry tries to crane his neck and get a view of Zayn, but he can't lift up far enough.

''Liars get spanked!''

''Nooo!'' Harry wriggles around, pretending he's trying to escape. ''I didn't lie!''

''Lying again! That's a double spanking for you.''

''Mercy!'' Harry cries, but it turns into a giggle when Zayn gives him a soft pat on the bum.

''Giggling? We can't have that!'' Zayn pats him harder this time and Harry kicks his legs, laughing into a pillow. He's starting to get breathless from his laughter and Zayn's solid weight on his back. ''Laughing? It's obviously not hurting enough!'' Zayn lands another smack on his bum, a bit too hard to be playful, and curses at the same time as Harry moans.

Harry's shocked, they both are. His ass is still tingling a bit, and combined with Zayn's warm weight on him, it just feels... good. ''Could you do that again?''


''Yes.'' This time Harry expects it, but it still shocks him when an involuntary moan slips past his lips. ''Oh.''

''Did you know?'' Zayn asks, getting off him and kneeling next to him on the bed.

''No.'' Harry twists around and leans on his elbows, looking down at his obvious hard-on. ''I had no clue.'' He sits up and tries to cover it with his T-shirt, but then Zayn pushes him back down, bending forward and kissing him. Harry welcomes it, instinctively grabs at Zayn's hair and opens his mouth to let Zayn suck on his tongue. He's looking for friction, but when his hips buck up all he hits is air and it's just too light. He misses the weight, the pressure.

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