Part 18

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It's a crisp Friday night and they're out celebrating Liam's birthday, even when it's two weeks away. But they're adults with busy schedules now, and that's just how it works. The big 'party' is for another night; right now they're heading to a nightclub after a nice meal at Liam's favourite place, walking the busy streets.

Harry had a brief chat with Louis in the corner of the restaurant and they came to the mutual agreement that they'd try to get along for the sake of Liam. Louis also apologised, and that was that, really. Plus, when Liam asks for something it's hard to refuse, especially when he uses the sad puppy eyes. So if he wants them to be friends, that's fine. Harry can do that.

Harry can also stare daggers into the back of Louis' head without anyone noticing. He's up front with Liam, holding hands with him and happily skipping about. Okay, fine, he doesn't hate him, but there's something about him that rubs Harry the wrong way. Not that he believes he's a bad person. A bad influence, maybe. He's hoping some of Liam's good behavior will rub off on- now he's thinking about rubbing off, which - bad, no. Harry groans and looks at Niall walking next to him, but he's only paying attention to his phone.

''Hey.'' Harry nudges him gently. ''You been to this place before?''

Niall shakes his head. ''Never got 'round to it.''

''You mean you'd rather stay inside and watch sports?''

Niall looks affronted, pressing a hand to his chest. ''I am a simple man, who enjoys the peace of his own home.'' With a frown, he adds ''What's your excuse, anyway?'' Harry fake coughs and quickly scuttles away, joining his arm with Liam, who barely even acknowledges it.

Niall soon is at Harry's side again, poking it harshly with his finger. ''You can not escape me!''

This catches Liam's attention. ''What's going on?''

''Harold won't tell me what his excuse is for staying inside all the time.'' Harry knows Niall uses the nickname on purpose, just to annoy him.

Liam looks back and forth between them, then snorts. ''He doesn't have one; he's just lazy.''

''Excuse me, Liam?'' Harry untangles their arms and roughly shoves his hands in his pockets. Or tries to, anyway. His jeans are too tight and he misses them entirely, so he crosses his arms instead. ''I don't know why I'm still friends with you.''

''You love me.'' Liam moves to ruffle Harry's hair, but he stops him mid-air.

''Yea, can't imagine how that happened.''

''I can,'' Louis enters the conversation, and everyone stops in their tracks. There are a few angry people bumping into them from behind, but they pay them no attention.

''What are you saying?'' Liam looks shocked. And hopeful.

Louis seems to hesitate for a second, glancing at everyone nervously. ''I mean...''

''It's only been a few weeks!'' Harry exclaims, earning a slap on the head from Liam.

''Shut up, Harry.''

Niall walks over to Louis, wiping away fake tears. ''I can't believe it! My son is in love!'' He pulls Louis into his chest, weeping dramatically. ''All grown up!''

Harry watches the whole ordeal, utterly perplexed. Everyone is so happy. He doesn't understand. Of course he has read books about falling in love, and the eventual heartbreak. He is familiar with the concept. Just not the actual experience that's described, and he never expected it to be real. This moment proves him wrong; Liam proves him wrong, all the time. You can't put a timer on love, it just happens - during a romantic dinner, or in the middle of the street.

He's quiet the rest of the way, looking at all the faces that pass him. When nobody really pays any attention to him, he starts to wonder if he'll ever fall in love. If he will ever be so lucky. Louis looks at Liam like he's the sun, but that's Liam. He looks friendly and warm. You just feel safe around him. Harry, not so much. He can come across as cold and uncaring, maybe a bit indifferent. Yet Liam chose him as a friend.

So he's been lucky once. Harry doesn't expect it to happen a second time.    

Next update is tomorrow! Not too long now, people ;) 

Laters xxx <3

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