Part 14

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Liam calls the next day, but Harry doesn't answer. There's a residue of last night's contempt and grief in him, and he doesn't want to take it out on his best friend. So he stays inside all day, drawing and looking up information on his next target. He also tries to keep an eye on The Artist's movement, if there's anything new on them. It keeps him occupied and distracted, and if you combine that with his favourite album on loop, his day really isn't that bad.

Until the doorbell goes off. Harry makes sure to close his laptop before he goes to open the door, catching a glimpse of the time displayed on the screen. It's late in the evening already; the entire day just passed by and he barely noticed. His stomach rumbles in protest.

When Harry opens the door, the first thing he notices is the smell of pizza. And then he sees Liam, looking like someone stole his puppy. Liam clears his throat and nods towards the box he's holding. ''Sorry pizza?''

Harry feels his exterior cracking, a smile creeping up on his face. It feels almost foreign. ''Come on then.'' He opens the door wider to let Liam in and goes to get drinks and napkins, while his friend gets settled on the couch. Rules for sorry pizza involve eating it on the couch. No tables or plates involved.

Once they're settled and Harry has devoured his first slice – Liam bought veggie pizza for Harry, even if he's not too fond of it himself – there's a tension in the air. Eventually, Liam talks first.

''I'm sorry for last night.'' He's silent after that, obviously choosing his words carefully. Harry appreciates that. Liam often has trouble staying silent, spewing out whatever thought comes up, so when he actually takes his time to think about what he's going to say means he thinks it's pretty important. In the meantime, Harry takes his time to eat.

Liam takes a sip of his soda, tracing his finger around the rim of the can. ''I'm also not entirely sure what happened after the phone call. I mean, I gave it to Louis and then he said you hung up.''

''I did.''

''Okay.'' Liam nods, placing his drink on the table and folding his hands together. ''I didn't invite you at first because I thought, well, I knew you wouldn't approve.''

''You think I'm a stick-in-the-mud?''

''No! It's not that.'' Liam frowns, avoiding Harry's gaze. ''I was afraid you'd be disappointed. Like, I care about what you think, yeah?''

''Oh, Liam.'' Harry squeezes his best friend's shoulder. ''Why would I be disappointed? Worried, yes. But that's just because I don't want you to get in trouble. You didn't do anything bad.''

Liam blinks at him, seemingly surprised by Harry's words. ''So, we're good?''

''We're good,'' Harry echoes, letting his hand slide from Liam's shoulder.

''Something else happened.'' It's not a question. Liam knows Harry too well.

''Just a stupid comment. Louis didn't know.'' Harry's not sure if he wants to talk about it. He doesn't want to mess things up between Liam and Louis, because in the end he doesn't want his friend to blame him for coming between them.

The look Liam gives him tells him he's well aware of what Harry's thinking. ''Tell me everything, from the start. I know Lou has a temper and a broken filter.''

''Yeah, I noticed.'' Harry decides it might be best to just tell him, because it's what Liam wants. And it's one thing Harry can tell. So he replays the entire conversation out loud, suddenly nervous when he feels his friend's intense look and wincing when his voice threatens to break at the last part. ''-But he doesn't know. Right?''

Liam shakes his head. ''No, he doesn't.'' He scoots closer to Harry, pulling him into his side. Harry uses the opportunity to bury his face in Liam's shoulder, breathe in his warm scent. Liam only knows the official story; domestic violence. Tragic death. But it's better this way.

''I don't understand why it still affects me this much,'' Harry whispers, sniffling softly. ''It happened a decade ago.'' Liam's hand squeezes the back of his neck, and Harry melts into the touch.

''Time can't heal all wounds. Some are simply too deep.''

Harry can feel himself dozing off. It's the comfort Liam brings him that makes everything lighter and easier. He would take on the world for him, because he knows at the end of the day, his friend will be there. Maybe he is – taking on the world one by one, slowly and carefully. Someone has to do it.

Liam tries to move away, but Harry holds onto his t-shirt. ''Please stay.''


The last thing Harry's aware of before he falls asleep is two strong arms lifting him up.

There's a storm coming.

Or is it already here?

Harry's standing on the edge of a small dock, the ocean spread out in front of him. He can't look behind him. Maybe he's scared what he'll find, or maybe it's not as important as what's in front of him. The water is restless, dark and cold. It washes over his bare feet, sprays against his knees.

Why is he naked? Why didn't he come prepared?

The sky looks foreboding, mirroring the ocean. He's cold. Shivering. Clouds overhead turn black, a flash of red brightens the sky. Harry is expecting to hear a deep rumble, but instead hears shattering glass.

The sky shatters. All the clouds break apart and rain down in red shards of glass, slicing deep into his skin. The ocean turns red and Harry falls down to his knees. He can't look at himself, can't see the damage.


He can still hear the echoes of his sister's voice when he wakes up. When he slides his hands over his arms he feels smooth and healthy skin, no evidence of any harm done. Of course it was just a dream. He's in his bed, but he has no memory of getting there. Then he remembers the arms lifting him up, and he climbs out of bed to see if Liam left already.

The living room is empty. Everything is cleaned up and the TV is turned off. There's a light on in the kitchen, one of the smaller ones, but big enough to allow him to see where he's going. Harry sees the outline of a note attached to his fridge and he takes it over to the small light so he can read what it says:

Got called in for work. I'll have a word with Louis later. Call me? X

Liam always goes out of his way to make him feel better. Even if it's just by doing small things, like leaving a note and making sure that Harry knows he's not forgotten.

It makes Harry feel just a little less lonely.    

Gotta love Liam. Next update is on Monday! Thank you so much for all the votes and comments, you guys. Love you.

See ya xxx <3

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