Part 30

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It's concert time, back at the same venue they were last time. They're at the front, close enough to touch the stage. Not that anyone's pushing to get a close view. The crowd's relaxed, simply enjoying the music and the atmosphere. Harry is nodding along to the music himself, already having detected a new song in their setlist. Looks like they've been busy.

Liam is beside him, absolutely glowing with pride. Harry doesn't think he stopped smiling ever since they came on stage and Louis blew him a kiss. Those two are nauseating to watch. They're constantly smiling, and if they weren't his friends, he would hate them for it, but since they are, he's happy they're happy. But he thinks he's starting to understand; how it's possible for one person to light up your entire world, although Harry's light isn't here. He doesn't know if he should feel guilty for wanting to spend his Saturday with Zayn instead of being here. Not that he's not enjoying himself. He just doesn't feel like he can fully appreciate the concert if his mind keeps wandering off.

There's a small break between songs in which Louis addresses the crowd, effortlessly boosting their spirits. ''And today is a very special day.'' He walks around the stage, stopping next to Niall and slinging an arm around his shoulder. ''It's our Niall's birthday!'' The crowd cheers and Louis laughs at an embarrassed Niall; apparently he doesn't like all the attention being on him. ''Let's sing him a song!''

Everyone bursts out in song at a different time and it takes a few seconds before they're in sync, but Harry finds himself joyfully singing along. He doesn't think he's ever seen Niall this red. Louis is prancing around on stage, waving his arms around as if he's directing everyone. Together they're probably the weirdest group of friends in existence, and that's just how he likes it.

''You're a beautiful crowd!'' Louis goes back to his position, taking a swig of some bottled water. ''Here's our next song!''

Harry is relieved when they announce their last song, because he's starting to grow thirsty. He would love some ice cold water, which he could get as soon as they finish. If only they just started. Louis is still talking, and then he suddenly turns to them.

''Don't you think this guy looks a little hot?'' Harry gets oddly suspicious, so he sneakily shuffles off to the side while keeping a close eye on the situation. ''How about some refreshment?'' Louis then upends a bottle of water on top of Liam, who seems to think it's the best thing to ever happen to him, if his smile is anything to go by. ''Oh no, he's still hot!''

The crowd laughs but Harry just barely suppresses the urge to facepalm. He's not sure if it's exactly safe to stay around them tonight, because once those two get started, things will only escalate. All he has to do is stick around for a chat after the gig and then try to come up with an excuse. He shuffles back towards Liam and shakes his head. Even if he's been known to cause a ruckus nowadays, Harry's still fond of him.

At the end of the song they're trying to find a table and spot one somewhere off to the side. Harry's left to guard it while Liam gets their drinks, using the opportunity to check his phone. There are no messages from Zayn after the last one in which he told him to have fun. That was a while ago. He hesitates for a moment, but then decides to text him anyway.

Hey. Gig just ended. Going to have a drink first. Could try to leave early, if you've got time? x

There's no response before Louis and Niall arrive, and moments later Liam with their drinks. Niall quickly stands next to Harry, eyeing the other two and raising his brow. ''Honestly,'' he says and takes a large gulp of his beer.

''I know.'' Harry sighs deeply.


''I know, Niall.'' Harry sips from his water and silently stands with Niall to the side as the couple bickers. It's like watching a tennis game. A very vomit-inducing tennis game. He's silently counting down, because usually around this moment is when the kissing starts, but then the attention is suddenly turned on them.

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