10th September 2042

Comenzar desde el principio

"I don't know about this." Amelia whispered to me. I looked over at her, frowning slightly.

"About what?" I asked.

"We haven't checked the tunnels in years." She said, her face riddled with concern.

"Everyone going down has a gun on them." Luis said, overhearing our conversation. "They'll be fine – 104." He continued to count the people going down.

"If one person gets bit it's going to be chaos." Amelia snapped at her brother.

"Bit?" Someone said as they walked past us.

"Into the tunnels for safety." Luis smiling, helping down the first step. "Stop talking about it, you're freaking people out."

"Fine." Amelia rolled her eyes. "Where's Mum?"

"Hasn't she gone down yet? 124." Luis asked.

"No, I thought you brought her here." Amelia said.

"No I didn't - 137." He shook his head.

"I'll go get her." Amelia said.

"Be safe." I called as she ran off into the crowd. I looked over to Luis to see him watching her run off. He was worried; I can tell. I can always tell Luis's emotions seeing as I've known him his whole life. "She'll be fine." I said over the crowd at him.

"I know." He nodded, but he didn't know; you can never truly know whether the last time you see someone will actually be the last time. Not in this world. The crowd began to thicken, and everyone started to run.

"What's going on?" I asked someone running past, but they ignored me and kept going.

"Harper?" Luis called from over the crowd. People were panicking all of the sudden, and I couldn't tell why. It's when I heard a blood curdling scream a hundred metres back into Chicago I began to panic with them.

"Luis!" I yelled.

"Get in the tunnels!" Luis shouted over the distressed crowd.

"I have to help." I called. I stepped to the side as a family barged past me.

"Harper get in the tunnels!" Luis yelled.

"Harper!" I looked to my side as I saw Dylan and Sam running towards me.

"Dylan!" I said as they got to me.

"We have to go – the gates broken." Dylan said.

"We have to help."

"We have nobody left to help, it's either run or be killed." Sam said.

"But -"

"No buts." Dylan said, and he began to shove me along with the crowd.

"Let go." I snapped; but he kept pushing. "Let go!"

"Harper just get into the tunnels." Sam yelled.

"No!" I shouted. "I'll meet you down there."

"But -"

"No buts." I repeated what Dylan said. They rolled their eyes, running together with the crowd down into the tunnels. I cut across the crowd and got to Luis, standing next to him.

"Get in the tunnels." He said.

"I will; just wait until everyone is in." I said. The crowd got thinner within a minute, and soon, there were barely anyone. Just families carrying a lot of luggage.

"Okay go." He said as the last person got in.

"Okay." I nodded. He followed me to the tunnel as I ran down the steps. "Do you know the way out?" I asked, turning to look at him; but he wasn't there. I looked up the stairs to see him standing at the top, the two doors in his hands. "Luis?"

"I'm sorry Harper." He said, closing them and locking them. He locked me in, and locked himself out. I ran up, hitting the door violently.

"Luis!" I screamed, smashing the doors with my shoulders. "Luis!"

"He's not coming." Dylan said. "We have to go Harper."

"How could he?" I asked, suddenly remembering that Amelia, his mother and father both hadn't come back. He needed to close the doors, but he couldn't leave his family. So he left me.

"We'll see him again, he'll be at the other end." Dylan said.

"What if he isn't?" I asked.

"He will be." He nodded. "Just come. Quickly." 


Hey Guys!

Just wanted to let you know characters have been added! Check who's on the cast list to find out who will be joining us NEXT CHAPTER! Someone you'll least expect.

Who's responsible for the herd of Lurkers? Was it an outsider or maybe a mole inside

And finally I just wanted to let ya'll know that the chapter after the next one will have a massive time jump, so just make sure you remember that when you read it and not get mega confused. 

Love you all,

Avery xoxo

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