Vampire Angel's Friends

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Dreams, truths, lies eternal, a new breath, a new call, does he? Perhaps, looked distraught by the window, the rain fell slowly, but every drop that touched my glass was like a knife in my heart "because I abandonastes? Engañastes why me?" A I can not forget how I looked that night, the day we met, to not forget me ...

Chapter 1: Reunion? The meeting ...

- How did it go? 'Said with a smile, hug me as

he just hugged me, let me, I felt his lips on my hair,

I looked up, I needed to feel those caresses on my lips, sweet,

fast, furious ... getting better ...

-Mal-I pulled away, but he did not let go of my hand, smiled shyly-Getting worse ...

-You will see that everything is solved, be patient sighed, Gabi was not in

right, things got worse each day, their madness grew, my

mother would not improve-We have to go ...

We started walking down the street, narrow, but quite inhabited by

that time, was the beach walk, I looked towards the sea, every wave that

crashed into the rocks, it was like a stab, a chill, something

would change, I hugged myself, something was changing ...

A buzz, I turned my face and at that moment, at high speed,

step a convertible black, a few inches from us, swallowed,

I was afraid ...

- Beware bastards! Gabi cried, letting go, and moving away a few steps,

that made me forever.

In That Same Time, In That car had just Spending

-That couple just yelling, are we back and tore off his head? Well ...

only him ... He laughed the red-haired boy, like fire, or blood,

I shook my head Where was it?

-Edmund, I have no idea, I looked, it was pretty quiet, seemed

funny, my eyes away from him, he had no desire for anything, or anyone, and much

less work-This was your idea, so you know where it is, enough is

finds me fooled ... pff!

- Sulfus! Tio I do it for you!

-No one asked anything ...

He was tired, why have to worry about me? As if by change

of air things back to their state, again the same city,

Shock Therapy?? Nothing here is easy ... too many memories ...

Edmund stopped, looked in his direction just stop a scandal brunette,

I came to see how I spit ate his eyes, probably Edmund would

address asking him, he could not more, so take the opportunity to go

stretch your legs, I ran to the arena, there were many people in the water,

families, couples ... and "them" different, perhaps too: murderers,

psychopaths, rapists, heartless cowards ... and over!

- Hey shouted from the car, I could see the girl in the direction largaba

contrary-I know where it is!

- Okay! Now I ...!-Just feel, and see one that I had a great

Please, which was going to charge me now, pure and simple entertainment.

The Caged Vampire Series to Entered-The Glare In Glass Book 3Where stories live. Discover now