6. This is Why I was Kidnapped!

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This is Why I was Kidnapped!


What did he mean by 'he could deal with it?' When I looked at his face it didn't give any expression away, he just had a blank cold expression. The only thing that looked kind about this guy was his deep vivid blue grey eyes. They didn't seem to be as dark as Angelo's, they looked more soul full then aged. But he appeared to be in his early twenties with his business suit attire perfectly tailored to him. Which seemed to match what Angelo was wearing, but on this guy it looked more suitable. Almost he demanded attention with respect to his hard features. The only thing I could think about was what he was going to do with me or to me now?

This guy seemed a little more hostile then Angelo though, more threatening. For some reason his tone had a hint of malaise even if he wasn't trying to. The way he spoke was confident and powerful it scared me to my core. A shiver of awareness that this man could do anything he wanted to me and wouldn't bat an eye by the dark aura of dominance I was feeling from him. Did he like how I looked or did he just not care? But I guess I must be fine for him to keep me, right? Gees my mind is running all over the place. The next question is, who is this guy.

As I was lost in my thoughts I didn't realize that the other two men in the building had stopped arguing and started to walk over towards us. One of them looked like a bodyguard because of his all black suit and gun that was on his belt under his jacket also very expensive tailored suit. The other one I had no idea. He just looked random, with his wavy blond hair sticking out like he had rubbed a balloon on his head.

"Aw you're going? I really wanted to see her face." The blonde one said in a whiny voice. It most likely deep normally by the way it grinded on my ears from the high tone that should never come out of a man with his looks.

"Well I haven't seen her face and I have to take her home with me." The guy that is now what's the word? My master. The even in my head sounded weird. But why didn't he tell them that he did see my face. Maybe I was ugly to him and wants to hide me?

"What if she turns out to be hideous?" The guy with the gun asked feeling his eyes scan me with curiosity.

"Well, then I will have to just kill her." He replied making me take a hard gulp with a chill going up my spin.

"Well let's go if where going to make it to the after party." The gun guy said not knowing what else to call him for not.

"Ya there having the party without the birthday boy!" Blonde explained with his grin widening mischievously.

"Your right, I'm missing my own birthday party. That kinda sucks." My so called master I was going to call him for now said. A grin of his own lifting on his lips that seemed to make him appear younger almost thinking he might be my age but that couldn't be as it lasted only a moment going back to cold once he glanced over to me then forward out of his view.

So it's this guys birthday. That kind of make sense now. I was kidnapped for this guys birthday present. These people most be rich to do something like that. But then if they were rich. Why not date a supermodel or something. Damn I'm getting sidetracked. I must be getting sick from the rain and staying in these wet clothes.

"Okay Pauli did you drive your car here or do you need a ride?" My master ask the blonde guy. Making a note that Pauli was his name it seems. Seeming to be fitting for his easy going appearance that was handsome with sweet sky blue eyes.

"No, can I go with you Guys?" Pauli said again in a whiny voice. Was this guy a kid or something cause he sure doesn't look it. He looks like he's little older the twenty-one though but acting like a twelve year old. Shoving his hands in perfectly fitting slack outlining his lean physique.

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