"Riley? Is that you? What the hell are you doing out here!" I looked over to my left and heard the crunching of leaves until Shawn came into view with Veda by his side.

"I-I needed air." I said leaning my head onto the fence and wiping the tears from my cheeks. "Why are you here?"

"We came to get you." Veda said softly as she gently pushed the fence showing me an opening that led to the woods behind this house of horror.

"I-I'm going home?" I whispered feeling the tears rush down my face faster as Veda and Shawn both nodded.

"But we need to hurry, we have to quick and you need to come to us now." Shawn said and I nodded making my way over to the hole in the fence and forcing my body to move and bend so I could finally get away

"I can't run." I whispered and Shawn just nodded giving me a wide smile.

"We know, princess, we know." He said lifting me up and holding me to his chest as I curled up snuggling into the big jacket I was wearing.

"We're gonna get you to safety, okay? There is a cop taking radar on the road about a mile up after the woods and Shawn and I are gonna make sure you get there but as soon as you get to him we have to go. Don't say we helped you but also make sure we don't get arrested because neither of us would like to go to jail." Veda explained as they both started to quickly walk off just making me nod into Shawn's chest.

"Don't let them get me again, I don't wanna go back. I can't go back." I mumbled closing my eyes and listening to Shawn's heartbeat.

"We won't let them get you." Shawn said giving me a small squeeze as I started to sob again.

"I'm going home." I whispered because I honestly couldn't even believe that I would be free.

I truly believed that I was going to die in that house and after what recently happened it only made my assumptions more true. We had been walking for a while now and I knew that Shawn was tired from carrying me and that my ten minutes were up and I would soon be found. They were going to find me and would probably kill Veda and Shawn for trying to help me escape. I would get punished and locked back up in the room with Gilinsky wait for my death day to come.

We had been walking for quite a while now and I could feel the numbness in my hands starting to spread. It was colder than I expected out here and it was even colder now that the sun was fully set leaving the moon and the stars in the sky. We had reached the road and both Shawn and Veda were looking around for the police.

"They aren't here! Now what?!" Veda said and I watched as the panic in her eyes intensified because we all knew what was going to happen.

The boys were going to find us and kill all three of us or for sure they would kill Shawn and Veda and take me back with them so I could suffer for the rest of my life.

"We've come this far, you can't quit now, you can't leave me." I said and Veda nodded and I felt Shawn's head move up and down.

"She's right, Veda, call the police and have them track down your location and tell them you have found Riley Everhart but they need to hurry because her kidnappers are still out there and most likely looking for her." Shawn explained quickly and as soon as he was finished talking Veda was on the phone dialling 9-1-1.

"Shawn, you aren't going to leave me, right?" I asked him my voice quavering slightly as he shook his head and sat down in the damp ground his back against a tree as he held me in his lap.

"I'm gonna stay with you all night if I have to, princess." He muttered into my hair kissing my head gently as I just smiled and curled into his chest ignoring the burning pain I was feeling.

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