Chapter 17

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Hey guys. I am really sorry for the extremely slow update. I know you guys are really angry and stuff but really school started and teachers are flooding us with work.  So, once again, I am sorry. Please do not stop reading! I have missed you guys loads. This is way shorter than the previous chapter but I hope it will do. Have fun reading! Also, please join the grand competition! :D




I took the two pictures in my hand. One was of me and my father in front of the framed certificate in our house. The other was a picture of my father, Nanny Nancy, Coach Isa & Marcus and me standing in front of the grandly framed certificate in the Doncaster Swimming Complex. I smiled. My father had always wanted to snap pictures of all our ever so wonderful memories. I relayed the memory and the pictures to Louis, who was now the note taker.

“I miss Doncaster..” Louis said. I smiled. I do too Louis, I do too.

“So what about the charms..? Are there any charms for this letter?” Zayn questioned.

Ooopsie Daisy! Totally forgot about the charm. Now.. where was it?

I nodded as I handed over the charm that came along with the second letter. It was a magnifying glass. Louis and Zayn took turns looking at the charm. It was a normal magnifying glass with a black handle and a silver border around the glass.

“So what does this signify?” Louis asked, scratching his head.

“I’m not sure Louis, it doesn’t state in this letter. But according to my father..It means something.” I shrugged.

“I know. It means... Magic.” Louis said as he jumped on my bed.

“Wow. that could be so true. My dad relates me to magic fairies.” Note the sarcasm.

“Okay then. Ignoring that moron...Since we’re already ankle deep in this mystery, Let’s go further! Now.. Letter number three please!” Zayn said in a posh accent.

“I swear you two hate me! WHY GOD DOES NO ONE LOVE ME?” Lou cried.

“Don’t you guys have to go home and sleep?” I asked.

“Nope. This is way better than sleep.” Zayn and Louis high-fived each other.

“Wow. Zayn THE person who would do anything to sleep is giving it up for this mystery!  This should come out in the front page of every newspaper seriously!” Louis laughed.

Well...This is going to be a long night!

Chapter 17

My attention was now on my bedside clock. It read 1.23 am. It was already the next day! And Its the one day anniversary of my fabulous eighteenth birthday party. I sighed, I should really get some sleep. So do Zayn and Louis. I glanced at them. Zayn looked like he was about to pass out. His eyes were drooping. He was clearly fighting back his sleep so we could read the third letter. Louis was lying on my pillow. He was just as tired as Zayn. After we had read the second letter, we argued about whether there were unicorns above the clouds. After a 10 minute heated argument, Louis called for a break. After a five minute break, here we were seated, sleep dragging us into La La land. Maybe we should sleep...

“Hey guys, I think we should call it a day. Enough of letters for now.” I murmured. See, even my voice was tired!

“I agree!” Louis agreed, sucking on his thumb. That boy was really a baby.

“I agree too.. Why don’t we have one last letter, the third one, then we’ll call it a day.” Zayn suggested. Well, I don’t see any harm in that.. Louis and I shrugged, sitting up straight, ready to get this over and done with.

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