Chapter 14

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"When you assume, it's making an  Ass out of u and me."

~My quote. :D


Ellie's P.O.V

"Ellie!" I heard someone yell. I broke away from the hug. I turned around, still on ice. My legs were starting to ache. Ow...

"Yes, Zayn?" He was standing right in front of me and Liam. Instead of replying, he just took me by the hand and pulled me with him as he skated off. I just stared at him with the what-the-hell look. He swiftly skated to the end of the ring where he twirled me. I giggled. He then took me to the other side of the ice-ring. He twirled me once more and then signalled for me to wait which I did.

Suddenly, I saw him covered in lights. What the Justin Bieber? He had a long string type rope hanging around him which had small lights attached. In his hands, he had a humongous box which I guessed was my present. I squealed to myself. I couldn't wait! Liam really did lift up my mood. Just like how my brother and pare- Stop El! I mentally chided myself. Now, it's time to step away from the past, for today only at least. Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do, starting from Zayn's present.

I smiled and stared at the decorated boy in front of me. "c'mon! Pull the string slightly." He instructed, eyes filled with amusement. I skated forward. I gently took the string in my hand and tugged on it. Zayn spun in circles as the string untangled itself. It was a beautiful sight. As Zayn spun, the lights followed him, making it look like colourful shooting stars. I gasped. WOW.

Soon enough, Zayn was untangled from the lights and was standing there, trying to get rid of his dizziness. I giggled as he shook his head. Seems like someone forgot about the dizziness! "Here's your present!" He smiled, pulling me into a hug. I hugged back and held the present in my hands, shaking and weighing it as I tried to guess what was inside. Gaaaah! What the pears am I doing? I gently placed it on the ice and tore the wrapping paper. I was too curious to open the present like a gracious girl. Pffft! No one has time for that!

Inside, was the most beautiful dress I've ever laid eyes on. It was a brown dress. It was two layers. The first layer was a brown singlet like. The outer layer was a translucent was a brown cloth with cute white dots on it. It was a mid-thigh length dress. Along with that, was the cutest set of brown heels ever. It was high-heeled. Probably 5-inch. It was criss-cross strapped. Looking at how dressy this outfit is, it most likely cost $80 or more. "Thanks Zayn! Its gorgeous. But its too costly!" I said. He waved it off like it was nothing. These boys like spending money. I smiled and hugged him once more.

"ELLIE! OH ELLIE! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Someone shouted. I chuckled at Drake. He was the weirdo who shouted. He had one hand behind his back and the other trying to balance himself on the ice as he tried to skate towards me without holding the support. I giggled watching him. He looked suspiciously like donald duck. He looked like a little kid! Adorable! I mentally awed in my head. I watched him skate, fall, skate, fall, skate fall AND skate and fall. I just stood there laughing till I felt like crying.

Finally, Drake reached me. I was now laughing silently with tears pouring out of my eyes. "Dude...U could have called me over!" I choked out breathless.

"Pffft! I wanted to show-off my skating skills." He smiled. I chuckled.

"So...Now it's time for me to give you a present. I know I've only known you for 2 days...but I find you really amazing and sweet! Happy 18th El!" He smiled pulling me into a hug. I grinned.

"You're really sweet too. I'm glad you moved here." I told him, which made him smile. The thing he did next was quite funny. He tried to kneel down as if wanting to propose to me.

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