Chapter 8

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“Birthdays are nature's way of telling you to eat more cake.” 

― Jo Brand


Title: I'm 18 

“We are young...SO LET’S SET THE WORLD ON FIIIIRRRREEEEE” That was my alarm. No no..Not the one beautifully sung by Fun. This was Annabelle‘s and I’s horrible singing. Fine I admit, I was singing fine. FINE. But noooo...Annabelle had to enter and sing like a dying whale. I love her and all but sadly the truth does hurt, aye? I was too lazy to turn off the 30 second long alarm. I grabbed all the stray pillows and put them over my head, hoping to clear the alarm. But unfortunately, that didn’t work. I groaned. “OMG! I’M UP!” I yelled jumping up.

I was still a bit giddy but I really wanted to go to school. I did not want to lay in bed and feel sick on this special day. It was my birthday. Am I supposed to feel older? Because I do not. I feel like the same ordinary girl that I have always been.

With all that sleeping, I did regain a lot of energy. I feel much better. I want to see Annabelle. Haven’t seen her yesterday at all. She has been really busy. With what? I took out my phone and texted Drake that I will be going to school. He had asked me to walk with him. I also texted Anniebear to walk with us. I put my phone down and ran to the toilet.

I was actually quite excited. I mean who wouldn’t? I am finally an adult. I hurriedly took a shower and got out. I was running kind of late. I hurriedly dried my hair. I was thinking of straightening it, but I decided on letting my loose curls show. I always used to straighten my hair. Let’s try something different, aye?

I packed my bag and rushed out of my room. I totally did not forget to take my headphones and phone. I love listening to music. I had downloaded all the one direction songs as Annabelle had persuaded me to. I rushed to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast. I don’t have lavish breakfasts on school days. Just a bowl of cereal. What hard work, humph!

I wolfed down the food and gathered my stuff. I was about to leave when,

“Happy birthday to you!” I realised what was happening. My family had started singing my birthday song. They never forgot it.

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Ellie. Happy birthday to you.” They finished as they had big smiles on their faces. My mom was holding a small cake. James and Cara rushed to my side and hugged me tightly. I hugged them back. They did not know that I wasn’t their real sister. I was there before they even were born. I would never leave this wonderful family. Although they were my foster family, I loved each and everyone of them.

“Happy 18th Birthday!” Cara and James both whispered into my ear.

“Thanks.” I whispered into theirs.

“Stop the whispering and come cut the cake!” Mom yelled at us. It wasn’t an angry one just a simple and fun one. I rushed over to her and sat in front of the cake. I loved cakes. I know that every year I would eat the same cake. I loved it no matter how many times I ate it. It would always be special. My foster parents aren’t that rich. They aren’t that poor either but they earn every single penny by hard work and I appreciate that. They do it all for us.

Cara put her little Tiara on top of my head and sat next to me. James sat on the other side of me. My mom had placed 18 candles and my dad started lighting each of them up. Mom handed me the knife. I looked at the cake intently. I can’t believe I am 18. Once all the candles were lighted up, they all started to sing the birthday song again. I closed my eyes and made a wish. A wish that I should not tell because it will ruin it for me. As soon as they were done singing, I smiled and blew all the candles out. I opened up my eyes and looked at them. I had a huge smile plastered on my face. I heard James and Cara giggle. As I turned to look at them, they wiped cake onto my face. this was a ritual. I always did it to them and they did it to me.

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