Chapter 4

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“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” 

― Charles Dickens


Ellie's P.O.V

I took off my headphones. I took a deep breath before I walked into the shop. Louis wasn’t there. I hurriedly slipped into a seat where I could see the entrance. I looked around for a few minutes and there was no sign of him. I started feeling awkward as if I was being watched. I turned around to see a guy in a pair of black skinny jeans and a black jacket staring at me. Actually, I was not sure. He was wearing black sunglasses. He then signalled to me to go to him. What’s wrong with him. I just turned back around and kept looking for Lou. Suddenly, that guy came and sat next to me.

“Get out of this seat!” I yelled at him. Pedo.

“Chill, before this get’s out of hand.” He whispered to me. His voice. It was familiar. Then it struck me, LOUIS! I pounced I'm him hugging him tightly. He was like a brother, I never had. I felt so safe in his arms. After about a span of ten seconds, I let go. I looked at him. His eyes were looking right into me as if telling me not to fear as he was with me. I know we just met and he is now so protective.

“So, why are you in the weird black outfit?” I asked him.

“Well, I don’t think you would have liked me to bring the boys so I came here alone. And for me to come alone, I couldn’t bring the guards, right?” He replied.

“Yeah but the outfit.” I said, scanning him up and down. He looked really funny. I chuckled.

“The outfit. Oh, ya! You know that to survive without guards is only possible if I was not recognised. Thus, this outfit. I bet you thought I was a pedo when I was looking at you, didn’t you?” He wriggled his eyebrows at me. I flushed. I can’t believe I thought he was a pedo. I have to admit, he was really smart.

“Yeah.” I replied.

“I knew it. So, what did you want to talk to me about?” He asked.

“Well, the thing is...” I did not know how to put it.

“Just say it.”

“Ok. The thing is that since the day where, you know, I kind of insulted you guys?”

“Yup. What about it?”

“Most of your fans have found my account.”

“Which account? Twitter?”


“And you have been getting a lot of hate?” He knew exactly what was happening.


“Look. Just don’t go to twitter for a while. Give me a minute. I’ll fix it.” He opened his phone and started typing on his phone. After a minute or so, he kept it back. My phone beeped. It was a twitter notification that said, “Louis tomlinson tweeted of you.” I looked up at Louis. He just smiled.

The tweet said, “ Dear directioners, please get your facts straight. I think that most of you know the incident that occurred a few days ago at the nearby ice-cream shop where, @Elliecutiepie, insulted us. “INSULTED” is a big word to use. She did NOT mean it. She is now our friends. You guys should seriously stop the hate. Look, I would just like to say that those of you who have sent her hate without even giving it a second thought, you guys should be sad to call yourselves directioners. You guys made me really sad and disappointed. I hope that all of you will take the initiative to put yourselves in her shoes and think how you would feel if you get so much hate by thousands of directioners who do not even know you. I hope you guys won’t send her anymore hate. Thanks. :)” Tears welled up in my eyes. No one had ever done so much for me. I was right, he was the perfect person to come to if I needed help. He was my brother. I never had a brother. I always wanted one though.

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