She gritted her teeth through the pain before sinking back down onto what she thought was a comfortable pillow. When the pillow began to move she realised that her head was resting in Professor Snape's lap. She tried to pull herself away from the slightly uncomfortable situation when she was pushed back down harshly by an old woman she didn't recognise.

"She's fully awake now Severus." The woman cackled. Hestia blinked as her sight finally came into focus and she could glimpse her surroundings clearly. She was sprawled across the floor of the bookshop, the proprietor sitting by her feet and Professor Snape trying to heal the large dent in her head with his wand.

"Done, you can sit up now Miss Bell." Hestia pulled herself into a sitting position, struggling to maintain her composure as she felt her stomach churn violently. She turned to face the Professor who was staring at her intently. "Do you remember what happened?" He inquired gently.

"I...Uh... I was looking at that shelf there when something hit me on the head. Hard. I don't know anything else because I blacked out before I could see what hit me. I'm sure I remember someone shouting for me to get out of the way though."

Severus scratched his head sheepishly. "That was me... I was trying to get you out of the way but I obviously wasn't quick enough." He glanced guiltily around the shop, obviously annoyed and upset that he didn't get to her in time.

"How do you feel now dear?" The old woman croaked as she uncertainly pulled herself to her feet and walked over to the closed shop door before flipping over the sign to 'OPEN'.

"I feel fine actually... I just want to get back to looking at the books if you don't mind."

"I'm not really sure about that Hestia... This woman has already had to close her shop once for us when you were hit on the head, we shouldn't really cause her any more disruption."

Hestia glanced sadly around the shop before nodding. She pushed herself onto her feet and walked slowly towards the door, rubbing the back of her head from time to time.

When they stepped out onto the busy street, Severus immediately started to make his way towards Knockturn Alley. Hestia stopped walking and instead stared anxiously to the arched entrance to the sinister cobbled lane.

"Where are we going Professor?" She shouted, struggling to be heard over the din of the raucious crowds. He turned round suddenly, obviously having forgotten that Hestia was following him.

"I just need to go to one shop down here, and then there is a place I thought we could have a rest for a while."

"Down Knockturn Alley?" She asked cynically

"Yes." He sneered before turning around and starting off again towards the alleyway, Hestia running uncomfortably behind him.


The Professor stopped walking when he came to the entrance of a dark, dingy looking shop. The tattered sign proudly exclaimed 'Borgin and Burkes'. Through the dust splattered windows, Hestia could see an assortment of interesting yet slightly sinister looking objects, one of which being a shrunken head seemingly staring back at her. She jumped away from the window when it smiled menacingly at her.

"Wait outside." Severus snapped before pushing open the ominous looking door.

"Do I have to?" Hestia squeaked.

"Yes, I wont be long, don't go anywhere or talk to anyone and you'll be fine." He meant this to sound comforting but instead it made Hestia feel even more nervous. She nodded reluctantly before leaning against the crumbling grey wall of the shop, a few metres away from the door and out of sight of the disturbing shrunken head.

Hindered Love (A Severus snape love story)Where stories live. Discover now