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Phil couldn't be any happier we're together, it seems. He dragged me out of bed at the ass-crack of dawn to make me breakfast, which is bittersweet. He also made out with me pretty intensely on the staircase, which is more sweet than bitter.

"Phil, there's something I need to ask you." I say as we make our way into the kitchen, preparing to forage for food.

"What's that, love?" He turns to me, eyebrows raised.

"Well, there's a lot of things I wish I could do that I've never been able to do because I'm alone all the time. Do you think we could maybe... do some of them today?"

"Of course, anything for you. You know what? Let's dedicate today to getting some out of the way. What are they?"

"Well, the first one is that I wish I could make and eat breakfast with someone I love."

Now, he's frying eggs and bacon for us in the kitchen. The room is lit by a stream of sunlight filtering through the window beside the stove, not unlike the stream of light upstairs. Phil's raven black hair is given depth and texture by the intense light beaming down onto it. Stood there in my kitchen, shirt disregarded, the light in his hair literal but the light in his eyes figurative, Phil is a sight for sore eyes. 

He steps away from his work for one moment to grab a towel, as he's made a mess, and I decide to tease him by stepping in front of the stove, blocking him from the food. When he turns back around and spots me facing him, he playfully squints his eyes at me, pursing his lips. I don't have to wonder what he's going to do about it any longer, though, as he steps up to me, wrapping his left arm around my shoulders and his right hand around the spatula, and continues to cook our breakfast with me in the way. Burying myself into his chest, I wrap my arms tightly around his waist and enjoy how amazing this feels. It hits me in this moment what is going on.

I'm currently stood embracing my boyfriend in our kitchen while he makes me breakfast after having slept in my bed with me the night before. I am filled with a warm sense of happiness and comfort at the thought.

This isn't just a dream, or a silly fanfiction. After all this time alone, I finally have someone.

"Philly?" I mumble.


"You smell amazing, just thought I'd let you know."

"You know, when I woke up this morning to that lavender smell of yours, it was so weird. Good weird, though."

"I felt a lot happier when I woke up smelling something other than myself. I feel a lot happier in general now, actually. My life is, like, clouds, and you're a really bright sun."

"Poetic," he teases.

"Shut up," I retort, "I'm still getting used to this. Need I remind you that you're the first person I've ever lov - shit. Um, don't, uh, just disregard that."

"What? I am?"

"Haven't I mentioned before that I didn't actually have any friends in the past? Yeah, well, that also applies to lovers. Nobody loves me, Phil. Except you."

We stand in silence a moment. I pull away from his chest and look straight into his eyes. He's staring blankly at the food, eyes glassy. Seeing this makes me uncomfortable, like I've said too much.

"I'm sor-" I can't finish before he presses a sudden yet gentle kiss to my lips.

"I love you, okay?" he says, looking into my eyes. "Nobody else matters. If someone doesn't love you, then they are nothing. All you need is a few people who love you, and you've got one now. Nothing in the world could stop me from loving you."

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