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I awake from my peaceful slumber late into the morning, as always. 

Anyone who knows me would verify that I'm an insomniac who loves sleep. I stay up until the wee hours of the morning, usually around one or two, and then I sleep until noon. It's a pretty standard schedule for some adolescents, but it gets a little abnormal once you become a twenty-something. 

The cold reality of life slowly seeps back into my head as I conclude whatever ridiculous dream I was having. Remembering the errands I have to run today, I groan and nestle as far into my bed as I can, but to no avail. Seeing as I cannot fall back asleep, I eventually cave in and get up. 

Around here, everyone is born into a different neurocategory. Based on your neurocategory, you get different impulses and do different things. It's just the way our brains have evolved to work. Science has found that these personalities are more or less permanent. Evidently, they can change, but only under extreme circumstances. 

It's hard to explain, but because of my assigned-at-birth relaxed (more like exhausted) neurocategory, I have sort of rituals for sleep. If I don't do them, I physically cannot make myself sleep. I have to have a lavender candle burning for half an hour before I sleep, and I have to have a sleepy song playing quietly, and I have to have certain pillows and certain blankets on top of me. The list goes on, but I'll spare you.

My shirts are always loose and comfortable. Usually I'll have a sweatshirt with sleeves too long. My hair is messy, but it's purposeful. I'm charmed by boys whose hair looks unkempt, yet perfectly styled at the same time. The only exception to this rule is that I can only be seen in skin-tight jeans. Nothing else is acceptable.

I pick out my favourite outfit from my closet in hopes it'll get me motivated to go out. It works somewhat. I pull my droopy gray t-shirt over my head, stretching the neck as to preserve as much natural bedhead as I can. Once my skinnies are on as well as my grey socks and black vans, I carefully pull on a beanie as to complete the ensemble. Grabbing my keys, wallet, and phone, I head out the door.

It's February, and so it's cold outside. Hardly ever is it anything other than cold in England. I shiver as I realize I am not wearing a jacket, so I rush back in and grab a simple black one. 

Today I have to buy a board game to give my cousin for his birthday. After doing some research, I found that the game wouldn't make it to my house in time if I ordered it online, so I have to travel all the way to London to buy it from some obscure store downtown. I could drive, as I have a car, but driving anything in the busy streets of London is hell. I decide to walk.

It is only fifteen minutes by foot when I reach the subway station. Unfortunately, the ride is projected to be about an hour long. I think to myself that I will just spend the day alone in London since it's so far away, and so I begin planning places to go as the car takes off.

A/N are there suburbs near Oxford? are there suburbs in England at all? i am America

Welcome to my new story, Yawn! I hope you're enjoying this so far. I got the inspiration from the fact that I had a really sleepy aesthetic kinda thing today idk if that even makes sense whatever

If you're confused about the sleep aesthetic, just think of every chill edit/pastel aesthetic picture/cool space thing that you've ever seen on tumblr and you should be set

cool cool bye

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