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As I lay in bed that night, I think about the day's events. Holy shit did that escalate quickly. He hadn't even spent an hour in my house and I was already crying telling him my life story. Judging by the following events, though, he evidently didn't seem to mind.

Was his fault, anyway.

After Phil made the statement about wanting to be my friend, my stomach flipped and I let out a strangled cry. I only clung onto his shirt harder, perhaps thinking that if I didn't hold onto him he would disappear forever. He only hugged back, rocking me ever so slightly and using his right hand to hold my head in the nape of his neck. We stayed like this for a good five minutes, me crying uncontrollably and him just listening. I swore I felt a tear or two of his own drip onto the back of my neck, one even making its way halfway down my back before absorbing into my skin.

Soon, though, I shut up, and Phil held onto me for another little while. He then pulled away and placed his hands on my shoulders, looking me straight in the eye and using his thumb to wipe stray tears from my cheeks. I sniffled and brought the back of my hand up to wipe my dripping nose. The corner of his mouth turned up and he shook his head at me. "You're a mess, Dan." he teased.

"Thanks a lot," I croaked.

"Let's go get you cleaned up." Phil stood and offered his hand to me. I accepted his offer and stood as well. He didn't let go once I was up as I had expected, though. The whole way to the bathroom, he held onto my hand, perhaps wanting to provide a constant sense of comfort through touch. 

Once we arrived, Phil grabbed a wash rag that was folded nicely on the counter and wet it with cold water under my tap. He began using it to lightly dab my face which was red and splotchy and horrible. I tried not to make eye contact with him while he did this, but it was hard. Those eyes were so distracting.

Not a word was said, though none needed to be. We understood each other even through the silence, which was surprisingly less tense than one would have expected. When I went to sniffle again, Phil jokingly tutted at me before grabbing a tissue from my counter and handing it to me. I turned from him and blew my nose into it, tossing it into the bin before turning back around to him. Irritatingly enough, I yawned loudly as I did.

"Tired, Dan?" Phil asked. I nodded, stretching. "You've had some day, and I really should be getting back to my grandmother, so I think you'd better get into bed and I'd better go." I was disappointed, as I didn't want him to leave so soon. He had a point though - he had been out a while and his grandmother was probably worried. I was also extremely emotionally and physically drained.

"I guess you're right," I sighed. Phil turned to leave the room, but stopped himself midway. "Can I...see you to bed? Just to be sure you're alright and all." He tried to save himself, but I still saw a red hot blush creep into his pale cheeks. I smiled and nodded. "That would be very much appreciated."

I led Phil into my overly white, overly messy bedroom, which I immediately became embarrassed of and started mumbling apologies. "No," Phil stopped me, "I like it. It really suits you." 


"You know, I saw on Tumblr that after a good cry you should have some water."

"I'll go get some the-"

"No, no, let me. I bet I can find your cups pretty quickly, promise. D'you want me to get your phone too while I'm at it?"

"It's on the kitchen counter by the kettle."

Phil left the room and I decided to climb into bed. My rectangular, close-to-the-floor bed which took up almost a third of the room swallowed me instantly and I could have fallen asleep right then. It took some real control to stay awake until Phil got back.

"Your water and your phone, Dan." he said as he handed them to me. I put my phone on my mattress next to me and took a big gulp of the ice water. Almost immediately I felt a lot better. "Thanks, Phil."

"No problem, Dan. Is there anything else I can ge-"

"No, I mean thank you. For everything. I really needed to let that out, I guess."

"Oh, well. That's nothing at all. Anytime you need me, I'm here."

There was a pause.


"Mm?" He sat on the edge of my bed.

"Did you really mean what you said? About wanting to be my friend?"

"Of course! We have loads in common, which is always really cool, but I especially want to be your friend because you need one. It would be unlike me to leave someone behind who needed someone there with them. By the way, can you give me your number?"

"Only if you give me yours."

We swapped phones and I navigated past his home screen of him and some girl with pink hair all the way to his contacts app. Starting a new contact, I entered my name and number, along with the email he could use to FaceTime me with. Just in case. Finally, I opened up his camera and snapped a quick, silly selfie to use as the contact picture. Saving the entry, I handed his phone back to him, and he did the same to me.

"Aw, if I would have known you took a selfie, I would have done the same!" Phil giggled. Quickly, I opened my camera and snapped a photo of him laughing. "I've got it all under control, Phil."

He laughed, and turned to leave for good this time. When he reached the doorway, he turned back to me. "I'm inviting you to coffee in London. Text you the deets later."

"Don't say deets, Phil."

"Bye, Dan."

And just like that, he was gone.

Now I lay in my bed still, the glass of water having been finished hours ago. My phone still hasn't shown any signs of Phil texting me, which is alarming. Maybe he was lying to me. Maybe he has other friends who he likes better and would rather hang out with th-

My phone goes off. It's a text from Phil. There's a cafe called Blackbird. It's near Orc's Nest. Meet me there a week from today at noon.

Quickly, I type a response. Be grateful, I'll be getting up extra early for you.

My phone beeps again. Trust me, I am.


does Phil really want to be friends with Dan or is it all a facade? why was he so overly kind to him that day? is it something more than friendship? i guess ull have to find out!!

Yawn {Phan}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora