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Walking in a populous area is one of the strangest yet most interesting experiences anyone can have. Everyone has a different neurocategory here, and so the air becomes a melting pot of different aromas, all representing the motives of the people around. 

I walk by a man who smells of cinnamon. He is intelligent and focuses on his work very easily. His wife smells like peppermint. She's the same, although she is more energetic than her spouse.

Another woman smells like jasmine. She's infectiously confident and optimistic, and I can't help but to feel happier in the split second we pass each other.

A man I pass, though, smells of strong spices, mostly paprika. He's hotheaded and quick to lose his temper. The woman walking behind him grips her child's hand, perhaps fearing his wrath. This doesn't improve my spirits.

I never really pass anyone who smells of lavender and vanilla like me. Relaxed and easygoing people are rare in big, bustling cities like this. 

Finally, I get to the shop I am supposed to go to. A yellow and black sign outside reads "Orc's Nest". I smile to myself at the name. It sounds very nerdy to me - just the shop that will have the game I need. Pushing open the door, I step inside and survey the place. Shelves line the walls, carrying both games I've heard of before as well as obscure ones I'm unfamiliar with. There are some aisles inside which also house merchandise. Surprisingly, there is only one employee on duty.

A pale man about my height with a raven black fringe and icy blue eyes greets me at the door. "Hello sir, welcome to Orc's Nest. I'm Phil. Is there anything I can help you find today?"

Admittedly, he's cute. But I didn't come here to fall in love with a shopkeeper, so I push the thought to the back of my mind. 

"Uh, hello. I'm Dan. I do have a game I need help finding, do you think you can help me?" I ask.

"Sure thing, Dan!" Phil grins. "What's it called?"

"Oh, gosh, I have it written down somewhere. Let me look." He nods as I unlock my phone and navigate to the notes app, scrolling through until I find it. "Yeah, it's called Tokaido."

"Yep, we have Tokaido. It's just over here." Phil gestures to a stack of white boxes, all labeled with the name of the game. He picks one off the top of the pile and smiles at me again. I think I go red. "Would you like me to ring you up?"

"Yes, please," I smile back at him. 

As he is tapping away at the register, I try to place his smell. It's floral and fruity, which is one I haven't encountered in a while. Phil is very lighthearted and radiant, as well as exuberant. It comforts me to know that he's a good person.

I snap out of my trance when he thrusts the bag toward me, grinning brightly once again. "You have a nice day then, Dan," he says, nodding.

"Thank you very much, Phil," I say graciously, before leaving the store. I'm slightly crestfallen to think that I'll never see the pretty stranger again, and I almost consider going back in to talk to him more, but I keep a stiff upper lip and walk toward the nearest restaurant.


okay so I know nothing about the shop so I tried my hardest yee

also this is short but it's nearly one am here and i'm pooped

see you losers later :)

Yawn {Phan}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें