Shattered Violets~37

Start from the beginning

“And?” Damon asked.

“Well, Damon the truth is, I don’t love you. I don’t know you well enough to love you. I don’t know if I’ll ever love you. What I do know is last night you did show me some compassion and the glimpse of a real person deep inside you. With that being said, I am not allowing you back into my bed, but I am allowing you to try to do what you should have done in the being and woo me. Treat me how I should have been treated in the first place. See what we can make out of this relationship. I can’t promise that I will ever love you the way you want me too, but it is the best that I can offer.” I told him, hoping her believed in my bold face lie.

Damon sat there. His eyes wide with the possibility of what I was laying out before him. I could totally see the wheels turning. “So you’re saying that I have to give you time.”

“Yes, but not only time. You need to show me that you’re worth the effort to learn to love. So far all your actions have shown me is you’re a douche.” I told him. I could tell I just verbally slapped him across the face.

“Vivian!” My father bellowed as his fist came crashing down on the table. “You need to remember who you are talking to. Damon is your husband, you are to respect him.”

I bit my lip to keep from cracking up laughing. Thankfully, Damon saved me before I lost all composure.

“Thomas, she’s right. I have not treated her right.” Damon told him.

“You’ve treated her better than the little whore deserves.” My father came back with.

Damon clinch his fists and pull them under the table before speaking again. “Thomas as much as I respect you, you must realize that the person you are calling a whore is not only your daughter but my wife. If you want either of us to continue to live under this roof, you will learn to speak to her with respect.”

I had to admit that I was in shock. Completely in shock. Here he was actually standing up for me. Shaking my head I cleared the thought, remember my true agenda. Listening to my father huff and puff, he just nodded in agreement before taking a huge gulp of wine. We sat in silence for a moment before Damon asked.

“So what else is it you want my darling?”

I knew this was my chance. “Well, since I am her and I am technically lady of the house, I want to run the household.” I told them.

“This household is run perfectly fine. I will not spend another dime in its upkeep.” My father grunted.  

“I happen to disagree. I believe that we are short on staff and we don’t treat them well. I bet you haven’t given Jose or Hilda a raise in years?” I challenged him.

“That is none of your business.” He bellowed.

I knew at that moment I had him. “That is where you are wrong.” I said, refusing to raise my voice to his level.

“Really and how so?” My father challenged me back.

Laughing a little. “Well from my understanding the house you live in and the money you use to keep it going is technically mine. I believe everything was to come to me after my 18th birthday and that day has come and gone.”

“So. I am your father. I have all rights to keep things running as they were, since you decided to up and leave me hear, all alone.  You deserted me.” He grunted.

“You know why I left.”

“You left me, your father. Do you have no sense of loyalty at all?” He had the balls to ask me.  

“Loyalty, you want to talk to me about loyalty. I know your blood runs through my veins, but that only goes so far. You should be grateful that I never turned you in for killing my mother.” I cried. “I saw what happened that night.”

“Here we go again. The gun went off. It was an accident.” He roared. “I loved your mother.”

“No, you loved her money!”


“Don’t’ Vivian me.” I told him. “The fact of the matter is the house and the money are mine. If you want to push me, go ahead. You can always push me further and I’ll lawyer up, just so I can kick your old wrinkly ass out on the streets.” I told him.

I watched him turning red as he turned to Damon. “Are you going to allow her to talk to me like that?”

“Well, if what she says is correct, you really don’t have a leg to stand on Thomas. I hate to say it, but it’s true.” Damon told him.

Well hot damn, he’s actually standing up for me.  

My father huffed and buffed for a few moments. I watched as he’s calm himself down, just to get pissed off in his next breath. Patiently I waited for him to gather his bearings.

“So, what do you want girl?” He finally said.

“I told you what I want. I want to run the house. I want to be placed in charge of all household activities, which of course I’ll run everything by the both of you.” I threw in the last bit to help them swallow this pill a little easier. “Is it so wrong of me to want to fulfill some purpose here?”  

“Okay, you want to run the house…  I still want to know why?” Father asked once more.

If he only knew the real reason why, I’m sure I’d be locked in my rooms unable to leave them again. “Dammit, is it so hard to believe that all I want is to help make things run smoothly. Am I not going to be running my own household one day? Am I not going to be allowed to become a proper wife, holding my place within society?”  

Waiting in silence for a few minutes, I wondered who would speak first. Even I had a hard time swallowing what I just said. It seemed like an eternity before Damon finally spoke.

“Thomas, I don’t see why not. If she spends over the allowance already set forth for the household, I’ll cover the overages. Expenses are going to go up any way with us leaving her. So I don’t see any harm. Especially, if what she says is true in regard to her inheritance.”

I watched my father’s eyes light up a little. Dollar signs always seem to have that effect on him.  “Fine, I’ll get you a copy of the household expense report. Anything over, you’ll pay for. Agreed.”

I watched as my father and Damon shook on this agreement, falling right into my plan. Now I need to figure out how to drive a wedge between them. Thankfully, Damon already gave me a clue.

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