Every time I think about that, my blood runs cold and I forget my surroundings as I get so immersed in the dark thought.

I realized how difficult it became to breathe as I sucked in deep breaths through my nose, but still remained light headed. I felt anxiety begin to settle and I felt like my lungs were being squeezed. I had somehow managed to completely forget the trial was this month-tomorrow. It crept up so fast...

"Wait, if you're Brian's lawyer why are you here?" I thought he was supposed to be fighting for Brian's freedom. Though, I think we all know he lost that the first time around. I'm fucking glad about that. I feel relieved that he is going to rot in a prison cell for the rest of his life for the shit he caused me, Gerard, Mikey, and poor Ray.

No matter how much justice they claim we're getting from this, I will always believe there won't be a punishment great enough to make up for the loss of Ray.

I think that night, we all lost a little bit of ourselves.

"I needed to speak with Mrs. Way about something very important. With the retrial tomorrow I have to do this now. Is she here?" Whatever it was, he seemed very anxious about speaking to Donna.

"No. She's working. If you want I can pass it on."

"No, I think it's best we tell her in person." Dun cut in.

"Would you like to wait up on her?"

"No." Mr. Davis said.

"Yes." Dun spoke at the same time. I nodded before stepping aside to let him in. He nodded a thank you then stepped around me and into the house. I think Mr. Davis was intimidated by the other because he had no objections as he followed Dun inside.

He set his briefcase on the table flipping it open to get some documents out.

"May I offer either of you some water?" I asked, trying to remember how to be polite when it comes to having a house guest. You can tell I'm not very used to this. My voice came out quiet and the only thought on my mind was how badly I want to take refuge from my antisocial embarrassment in my bedroom.

"No thank you." Dun said appreciatively and Mr. Davis only shook his head as he began to look through some of his papers not looking up at me once.

"So what's this whole thing about?" I walked around and sat actors from him at the table. Dun just leaned against the wall waiting to see how Mr. Davis would reply.

"Frank, I really can't tell you." He replied.

"No one has to know." I propose sitting more upright in my seat.

"No, I mean, you're a kid. I can't discuss this with you."

I looked up at Mr. Dun to see if he could do something. He only shook his head.

"I'll find out tomorrow won't I? If it has to do with the retrial." I argued.

"It doesn't. Not with Brian's anyway." He rebuttals, but then realized he admitted something he shouldn't have to me.

"W-what do you mean?"

He sighed out frustratingly. "I shouldn't have said that. Please drop it." He hid behind the paperwork.

"Mr. Davis please, If it has to do with Ray I deserve to know."

He frowned sending a glance toward Josh then met my pleading stare.

He exhaled in defeat as he began to lay the papers down.

"Mr. Hood didn't kill Ray."

"I-I what?" My voice was no louder than the wind, but it shook with intense emotion. The idea was so preposterous that for a second I thought I heard him wrong. "Then who?"

"Dr. Armstrong did. I know you're thinking that I'm insane, but it's true. This past month we've been trying to gather evidence against him." Mr. Davis began to frantically shuffle through his papers looking for evidence to back up his dubious claim.

"It's harder than you'd think. The bastard covers up everything with money." Dun muttered, running a hand through his hair.

Mr. Davis began pointing to different documents, but I was too scattered to comprehend. "So look here, you see he-"

"Wait! Hold on, so you're telling me, Dr. Armstrong did something to Ray? That's- that's fucking-I" I couldn't think. This was just too much to handle. I was left speechless for a few moments before I asked, "Did you tell Ray's parents?"

Davis got a sour look on his face, which immediately confirmed my theory. "Yes. They got angry with me. I didn't know who else to turn to so I'm visiting here. Finding Ray's murderer is my main priority, and not just because it's my job..."

No, his job is to defend Brian. Suddenly, a thought came to my head that made me terrified just thinking about it.
"Well, I know it's important to find out who really is at fault, but if you are able to convict Dr. Armstrong will Brian go free?"

"I doubt it. He may not have necessarily killed Ray, but he is still a criminal. You have nothing to worry about Frank." Dun conversed with a caring tone that I couldn't help but trust.

"Okay." I went quiet and I twiddled my thumbs absentmindedly while he refocused on work. "Did he ever tell you?" I spoke suddenly.

"I'm sorry?" Davis asked, confused.

"Brian. Did he ever tell you why he did what he did? I know he blames the drugs, but there has to be something else, right?" Honestly, I've asked myself this question thousands of times just out of curiosity. I guess I want something else to blame other than myself... We all do.

"I don't know. He never confessed anything to me. I'm sorry I don't have an answer." Davis looked sympathetic towards me, I can tell.

"It's okay." I sighed, relaxing back in my chair.

Just then the door swung open and there was Gerard and Donna. Gerard's eyes widened when he saw how crowded the room was and who was occupying it.

"What's going on here?" Donna asked as she took off her coat and scarf then hung them up. She put out her cigarette on the nearest ashtray, which were littered all around the place.

I took this as my queue to leave and I stood up grabbing Gerard's arm, leading him to our bedroom and shutting the door. Not even a millisecond before the door shut he turned to face me, removing any hair that obstructed his view of my face. "What happened? Are you okay? He asked, caressing my hair desperately searching me for any signs of distress.

"Gerard I'm fine." I assured in an attempt to calm him down. "Everything is okay. I'm okay," I pulled him into a hug and rubbed small circles on his back. "They weren't here about me." Gerard seemed to relax immensely at my words.

"What were they here for?" He pulled away concerned.

And suddenly I had a choice to make. Do I tell Gerard or lie? I feel like he wouldn't take the news well. Especially since he already distrusts Dr. Armstrong.

"I-I don't know. They didn't say." I heard myself speak. I'm a horrible liar, but Gerard seemed to believe me. It's okay that I lied. It's not my information to share.

Yeah this sucked. Comment stuff?? Do you like we're the plot is going or is it just awful? Anyways thanks for reading. Ttyl :(

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