Love Poem?

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My favorite thing about love poetry is that it can be about whomever you please.

Or maybe it's not even meant to be perceived in that way.

Maybe its just supposed to be.

But if that is true, then where do we turn on the days when we wander around lost?

We begin to settle for the scraps left at the bottom, forgetting that we deserve better.

We always deserve to burn brighter for the people who chose not to look at us because they feel blinded by our light.

We never in a million years should feel like we should just simply settle.

We always deserve better than those that choose not to see us.

And yet sometimes, we don't want better.

Maybe it is enough for them to exist on the same planet.

Maybe sometimes that is all we need.

Maybe it was wrong of me to compare them to left over pieces that nobody wants,

For it is not my place to decide.

But one thing I do know is that love cannot be defined.

After many years of pondering I have come to the conclusion that maybe it is just meant to be after-all.

I think it's important to understand that we do not choose who we fall in love with.

But we do choose whether or not to stay in love.

There is nothing shameful about choosing to stay. And I want you to remind yourself of that every night before you fall asleep.

You should never feel like you need to apologize for your capacity to love without question or return.

However, we should never ever let ourselves become the scraps at the bottom of someone else's options.

For we deserve better than to just be scraps.

We always always deserve to burn brighter,

For those who chose not to see us.

AN: (This is an old poem I reuploaded)

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