Dear Something Part 2

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I realize that I may have forgotten something in the last letter I wrote to you.

Something, as many things as you may be doing wrong, you are most definitely doing something right as well.

For the many different things to line up so perfectly the way they did, it makes me think, no. Know that it cannot be coincidental.

I like people, Something.

I like them a lot.

They are so intricate and wizened with all of their thoughts and imperfections.

You did something right with them.

And I like my conscience Something, you did something right with that.

I appreciate it Something, I thank you for my ability to see, hear, taste, touch and feel.

Feel. To feel is the greatest gift of all.

And though I am not pleased with all of the violence and cruelty in the world, I do very much appreciate the vastness of the universe.

What are you Something?

I guess I'll never know.

AN : guys, 1000 fucking likes and 10,000 fucking reads. I love you so much. You have no idea. I thought that as a thank you, I'd tell you a little about myself. My name is Lily. I hope to be a forensic psychologist as my primary career and have writing be a side hobby (I don't want to be paid from it) I love you so much, seriously thank you so much for getting me this far. You guys are the best you guys are amazing. I love you xx

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