The Woman In The Shadows

Start from the beginning

"Lily, Our friends and fans finally knows you're our sister which makes me really happy " Wolfy chuckled lightly 

 "Wait, what do you mean, wolfy ?" Josh asked 

"Well, when we first got lily and she started coming to our school, I wanted everyone to know she was my sister but Lily didn't want people to know" Wolfy shrugged 

"Awe, that much hurt" Ash pouted 

"Actually, it did, I was really proud of my sisters both of them" Wolfy smiled 

Ash was awed at this while I smiled at Wolfy. 

"You are so sweet" Ash awed 

"Only sometimes" Wolfy winked 

"Stop flirting while I'm eating," Spider said while taking a bite of his burger 

"I'm not flirting dummy, It's called being nice and charming you should try it sometime" Wolfy smirked at Spider 

"I am nice, to people who are worth it" Spider shrugged 

"Then why sit here if we aren't worth being nice to ?" Josh asked Spider 

"I can sit where I want when I want" Spider glared at Josh 

Josh glared back at Spider, I have to think of something to change the subject before the two start a fight. That's when my mind went to the woman hiding behind the tree.  

"Oh yeah, people who don't go to this school isn't allowed on school ground are they ?" I asked to change the subject 

"Of course not," Spider said shaking his head a little

"Why ?" Wolfy asked 

"I saw a woman with red short hair with black streaks hiding behind a tree outside," I told them 

"That's not right, no one should be on this ground unless the head teacher gave them a promotion but if they did then why hide behind a tree ?" Wolfy tried to work out 

"It's probably one of the student's crazy parents, spying on their kid again" Spider shrugged

"Yeah with some of the top students sometimes their parents will spy on them to make sure they are working hard" Wolfy nodded agreeing with Spider

I nodded and smiled "Ok" 

After lunch, Wolfy and Spider walked with us to class before heading to their own class which was boring. After school I headed down the hall, guys were whistling or would make a low deep voice just to say hi ... it's kind of creepy. I head out of the school to see Spider, Wolfy, Carrie and even Aiden standing outside the limo waiting for something. 

"Lily !!" Aiden cheered then ran over to me and hugged me 

I hugged him back, my eyes landed on the limo where I see the same woman from before, she was looking right at me. Aiden pulls away and looks at me confused.

"Lily ?" He asked 

I couldn't take my eyes off her, I'm sure I've seen her before but I can't think where. 

"Lily, is that the woman you were on about before ?" Wolfy asked me

I finally looked away from her and looked at him "Yeah". 

Spider looks at her and then started heading over to her, she must've seen him going because she started walking away fast.

"Spider come on, let her go!" Wolfy shouted to him 

Spider looked over at her then back at me then back at her, it was like he was trying to work out if he should chase her or not but spider lost her before he could decide so he walked back over to us.

"Lily, you have a stalker ?" Carrie asked 

"N-no, I've just seen her two times today," I told her

"be careful, lily" Aiden pouted  

"If you see her again, I want to know about it" Spider warned me 

I nodded my head *yes *, After that, we all got in the limo and headed home. It's been a few days and I've seen the woman every day at school and it's like she's watching me. We are all in the sitting room talking about the woman to Mr and Mrs goth.

"She's following lily at school, I'm getting worried," Wolfy told them 

"I think we should have bodyguards outside the school at all times" Mr goth spoke 

"Yes but I would like someone to be with Lily all the time, no one hurting one of my kids" Mrs goth spoke 

"Okay but we can't put our bodyguards in school with her so what if we go see the principal and see if we can get Spider and Wolfy into lily's classes and have both of them sit beside her then we know she is safe," Mr goth thought out loud 

"Are you guys ok with that ?" Mr goth asked us

" Of course" Wolfy nodded 

"I'm in" Spider nodded too

"Awe my boys looking after their sister" Mrs goth awed happily 

"Okay, I'll phone the school and get an appointment and we can make planes from there" Mr goth smiled lightly 

"Thank you" I smiled lightly at them

"Lily, if you see her anywhere else, please come to us straight away," Mr goth said a bit worried 

"I will" I nodded 

Mr goth stood up and walked over to me so I stood up as well, he hugged me lightly then Mrs goth did the same. After that, we all went to have dinner. 

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