I really want to laugh in her face. "That's exactly what he was trying not to say."


"But nothing , Riles. I was just a little confused so if we could just move on and-"

"Now I feel totally obligated to murder him, could I murder him? Please?" Riley asks me, a crooked smirk fixated on her lips.

"No," I chuckle nervously. "But we can prank him, if you want?"

"If we have to prank him, we have to get him good."

Step one: we get balloons.

"Why do you have a ready pack of 800 balloons under your bed?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow.

"You never know when you need to add extra flavour to your impromptu party!" she protests.

Step two: we get access to his house.

"Hello Darlene," I greet her, a cheery smile plastered onto my face.

"Oh, Maya darlin', you're back! Lucas ain't here, he's at basketball camp!" she exclaims in her adorable Texan accent.

"Yeah, we came to give him a surprise for him when he gets back tomorrow."

"A big surprise," Riley comments, peeking behind from my back.

"I don't know how Lucas could ever deserve such great friends like you," she gushes happily and let's us in. Score.

Step three: we get friends to help.

"You want to help us prank Ranger Rick?" I ask through the phone.

"Sure, I'll do it, be there in five," Farkle replies and I can literally feel him smirking through the phone. Well, that didn't take a lot of convincing.

Step four: we get the balloons inflated.

It took us 4 hours but we're done. And we're all totally out of breath so thank God for Darlene Friar who gave all of us strawberry smoothies.

Step five: we get a scary mask.

"So you just came with a scary clown mask?" Riley asks, her eyes widening.

"What? You said you were going to prank him and pranks normally include scary masks!" Farkle exclaims, throwing his hands up.

Step six: we get permission to stay the night.

"We're going to give him a huge surprise tomorrow!" I explain to Darlene.

Her smile grows wider and wider and she agrees straight away, and as I walk away, I think I hear her mumbling something about me and Lucas. I shrug it off and go back to the guest room.

"Good job, guys, now all we have to do is wait for him to get back," I announce loudly as I walk back into the room where I see Riley and Farkle smiling at each other, lips hovering dangerously close to each other's and they break apart almost immediately.

"Oops, sorry to break your almost-kiss, but this is not the occasion for a nice make out session, so you can resume your saliva-mixing on your next date," I smirk. "Also, it's not romantic to do hanky panky in somebody else's room."

"Oh my God, Maya," Riley shrieks as her cheeks bloom different shades of red, "give us some warning, will you?"

All Farkle does is raise his eyebrows at me and smirk, slinging his hand across Riley's shoulder, twirling her hair around his index finger, making Riley go rigid.

The sexual tension is real.

But Riley recovers quickly and leans her head into the crook of Farkle's neck.

Wow, these two are my OTP.

I cough loudly and say, "You know what? I can't control you and your hormones. You guys can take the guest room and I'll take the couch outside."

Before they can say anything, I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively at them and say, "I hope you're on birth control, Riles."

I shut the door and I can hear their muffled protests from behind the door.


I walk into the guest room to see a snoring Riley lying on a drooling Farkle's chest. RIP the next guest who uses this room.

I quickly take a snapshot of what was in front of me. Damn, they were so cute. How could Riley be so blind? She's so obviously in love with Farkle and now she'll have to replace those rucas hearts on the back of her file with riarkle ones. I'd best get her a new file.

After admiring the photo that I've taken, I take Farkle's air horn and blast it at them.

Yes, Farkle brought an air horn along with his scary mask.

They shoot up with a panicked expression on their face and they turn to look at each other and exchange glances.

"Did you-"

"Did we-"

I started laughing so hard I was rolling on the ground. This was great.

"Don't worry, you dorks, your virginities are intact," I snort. "But you guys are really cute together, name your first child after me, okay?"

Riley blushes and even Farkle manages one. Cute.

And Darlene calls us out for scrambled eggs and organic muffins.

After breakfast, we had half an hour left before Lucas came back so Riley and Farkle went to the guest room to hide, while I stayed at the his room with the clown mask on as I stay hidden in the corner.

Twenty minutes pass and I hear the main door outside open and his mother greeting him. I had reminded her not to tell on us because it was a surprise. She had happily obliged.

I hear the footsteps coming closer.

He opens the door and I hear him curse a colourful vocabulary of profanities. So much for being the nice guy, huh?

"Maya Hart," he grumbles under his breath, rubbing his temples.

"How many freaking balloons are there in here?" he scowls, kicking them around in frustration.

I know he's coming closer so I jump out and scream "Boo!", causing him to yelp and fall backwards, and I hear a balloon or two pop.

Just as I was about to laugh, something grabbed onto my ankle, and I fall down onto something hard, but I know it isn't the ground because I hear an "Oof!".

That was also because my face was inches away from a certain cowboy's.



yes, i got this idea from thatcherjoe (go watch him if you havent already hes literally the best at pranks and one of my favourite youtubers okokok

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