Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Aftermath

I explain what I did to the human and everything it did to Lanty. Undynes face is covered in tears, which I've never seen. "She..." Undyne stutters. "She was so happy. This was all she ever wanted. She had you, and me... And Alphys... And even Papyrus." Undyne says, more to herself than to me. "I know... I... I miss her already." I whimper to Undyne. She stands and helps me to my feet. "She is going to have a good burial. She has to..." Undyne trails off. "I know." I reply, trying not to think of Lanty. Undyne pulls out her phone and dials a number. "She deserves to know..." Undyne whispers. I know who she's calling now. Alphys. "Hey Alphys." Undyne tries to sound fine and like her best friend didn't just die in front of her. "Um... I have to tell you something." The tears come back. "Lanty... She... She's... Dead." Undyne sobs into her phone. "I'm sorry that I didn't protect her... I'm sorry..." Undyne whimpers. Undyne hangs up her phone and throws it far away from her.

"I need to make The Underground safe. That's my job. And I am going to kill everyone who tries to hurt anyone." Undyne stomps towards Waterfall. I chase after her and grab her shoulder. "Undyne, I know you're hurt. I am too. We can't just kill things now, I think we both know that she wouldn't want that for us." I say soothingly. Undyne sighs, "you're right. I just... I'll send a team to gather her ashes. I need to be alone right now." Undyne says as she storms away from me. "I know..." I sigh under my breath. I need to be alone...

I run away from Snowdin. Away from Grilbys. Away from Lantys house. I run away until I hit a giant purple door. I lean on the door and let tears drip from my eyes. I suddenly hear a voice from the door. "Hello? Are you alright?" A high pitched, feminine voice asks. I shake my head, "no... I'm not..." I reply weakly. "Oh, I'm sorry. What's wrong?" She asks sweetly. "Someone... Someone I love so much... Just died in my arms." I weep into my hands. "I'm sorry. That can be hard." She says soothingly. "It is." Is all I can manage to say. Memories of Lanty rush through my head. I see her laughing at my bad puns and her handing me bottles of ketchup. She holds my hand tightly and smiles at me as we walk to our first date. She snuggles up next to me as we watch a dumb, love story type movie. She puts hot dogs in the oven and serves them to me with a smile and bottle of ketchup. She runs up to Undyne and hugs her for support. Alphys stammers an apology for taking her to Nabstablooks restaurant and Lanty just hugs Alphys tightly. Lanty hugs me tightly and we appear in front of Grilbys. A smile plastered to Lantys face as she leans on the counter to see me better. I walk her home after her night shift and hug her goodbye. Lanty. It almost seems like she isn't dead anymore. The memories of her is all I have now. I will never let go if those memories. I can't.

Undynes POV

I stomp into my house angry at my actions. I pick up my Anime sword and my house phone. I call one of my men in the Royal Guard and scream at him to get Lantys ashes. I throw my sword and it sticks in my wall. I run my fingers through my red and black hair to calm myself. But all I feel is anger. Tears stain my cheeks as I continue to throw my sword into the wall and repeat the process. My house phone ring loudly. I stomp over to it and answer it angrily, while I throw my sword again. "What?" I shout angrily to my phone. "Oh... I-I-I don't want t-to bother you..." I hear Alphys' voice on the other end. I take a deep breath. "No, I'm fine. What's up?" I ask, a little more calm. "I-I wanted t-to know i-if L-L-Lanty said a-anything a-about me be-before... She..." Alphys trails off. I sigh at the memory. "Her throat was slit. She didn't say anything before she died." I say with sternness in my voice, like the angry warrior I am inside. "Oh... I-I'm sorry y-you h-had to see that." Alphys stammers. "I'm fine." I say sternly. Why does everyone think I'm not okay? I am a warrior. Death happens all the time when you are a warrior. I am fine. "Okay. I-I-I'll talk to y-you later." Alphys says as she hangs up the phone. I retrieve my sword and throw it again to get out all my built up anger. I am so angry and I don't know why. I throw my sword again and a crack appears in my wall. Shit. I might as well throw it more. That's exactly what I'll do.

Alphys' POV

It doesn't seem real. I don't even know what happened. All I know is that my best friend is dead. Lanty, someone I've always loved and cared for, gone. It seems unreal. It seems like I'll look over and she'll walk through the doors of the lab any second. But she doesn't. She never will ever again.

Mettatons POV

I roll over to the ashes of Lanty. I saw everything that happened. Everything Chara said. Everything Lanty did to run away from her. Everything Sans did to try to save her. Everything Undynes anger caused her to do. It will make a great show for tonight. After all, I was recording it happen. What should the title be? 'Human gone wild'? No. Too, boring. 'Humans exposed!'? No. That isn't what the show is going to be. 'Human kills again. Are we really safe?'? Yes. That one is perfect. I'll air the show tonight. I roll back to Hotland into Alphys' lab and relax on the main floor. "Oh. H-hi Mettaton. I didn't h-hear you come in." She stutters. I think that was the only thing Lanty helped with, Alphys' stammering and nervousness. I don't know how she did it, but it definitely helped Alphys. "I heard about what happened to Lanty." I inform her. Alphys sighs, "i-i-is it r-really true?" She asks, sounding terrified for my answer. "Sadly, it is." I say, no emotion in my voice. Alphys begins to have tears come out of her eyes.

Lantys POV

I look around and see Sans crying against the barrier from The Ruins. I try to reach out for him or tell him that it will be okay, but he doesn't seem to notice anything I do. I try to touch his shoulder, but my hands goes through it. "You're going to be okay." I say softly. Sans continues to cry, as if I hasn't said anything. I sigh and look around. I see Undyne throwing things in her house, screaming and yelling, pulling at her hair angrily. I go over to her. "I hate everyone! Its all my fault!" She screams as she throws her sword so it sticks into her wall. "Hey, calm down. It wasn't your fault." I yell, trying to calm her down. Undyne throws her sword once more, continuing to scream as tears drip down her face. Why doesn't anyone see me? Or hear me? Why do I get to see their pain when they don't get to see me? They don't deserve this. I don't deserve this. I lay on the ground and close my eyes. I'm not going to deal with this.

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