Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: A Special Day

I look back up at Sans. "I guess it is a good moral." I say trying not to show that I'm blushing. Sans smiles, "y'know, you've become one of my closest monsters in my life." Sans says looking embarrassed. I nod and try to keep things less awkward. "Yeah, same here." I say. Sans continues what he was saying. "The truth is, I've developed feelings for you." I can feel my face heating up and I'm sure my usually pale face is tinted red. "And I was wondering... If you would... Uh... Want to go out sometime? Or just hang here again?" I try to speak, but I have a knot in my throat that is making it so small bits of air come instead. I swallow my nerves and can finally speak, "that would be great." I smile and try to seem confident in my answer. "Do you just wanna go somewhere tonight?" Sans asks with his voice almost shaking. I nod, scared that I would get another knot in my throat. "Casual or fancy?" He asks. I shrug, "either way." Sans chuckles, "Well, I don't think anyone has seen me in anything fancy, wanna be the first?" He asks. I smile and bite my lip. "Of course." Sans gets off the couch. "Go, ahead. I'll let you get dressed, I'm not a perv. Don't worry. I'll stay out here and wait.' I get off the couch and head to my room, before I go in a give a sweet smile to Sans and start to think about what to wear. I open my closet and look around. I find a black dress that will probably compliment my light skin tone. I brush my hair and put on a little mascara and some dark pink lipstick. I then walk out of my room and I see Sans looking around at all my movies.

He turns when I come out "you look... Beautiful..." Sans says. I blush, "thanks." I shyly say. "Let's go see how great I can look." Sans jokes. I walk over to my door with Sans and he grabs my hand when we walk out. I close and lock the door and I immediately realize my first mistake. I didn't bring a jacket when I live in Snowdin. I start to shiver on our way to Sans' house and he noticed. "Here." Sans takes off his winter coat and puts it on me instead. Underneath he is wearing a very light blue shirt. I give him a smile, "thanks." I instantly start to feel warm again. When we get to his house we go inside and I start to look at their house. "So, you can wait our here okay?' I nod and he goes in to a room with different colors coming from below the door.

I sit on his couch and start to look at pictures of him and Papyrus when they were little. They were so cute. I then hear the yelling voice of Papyrus come from behind me. "No Undyne! I haven't found a human! What? I would never! I could ne-" he stops mid-sentence when he sees me. "I'll call you back." Then he closes his flip phone. "Hello, what are you doing here if I may ask?" Papyrus asks me with a confused look on his face. "Um, Sans is... Dressing in something fancy because we are... Uh, going somewhere nice." I stutter. I hear a door open and I hear Sans voice "hey Pap, I'm gonna be out for a while." Sans says walking over to where we are. "Where are you going brother?" Papyrus asks sounding a little concerned. "Nowhere dangerous. Just... Hang out with Undyne or something. I'll see ya later okay?" Sans says as I examine his outfit. He is wearing a completely black suit to match my dress and a little top hat on top of his head. "Okay, stay safe. Both of you." Papyrus says running back into his room.

Sans and I walk around for a while talking about different things in our lives. We walk past tons of buildings until we reach a giant hotel. "There is a nice restaurant in there if you wanna go." Sans says when we get to the hotel. I nod, "okay. Let's go ahead." Sans locks arms with me, it isn't hard though, considering I am really short and so is he. When we get inside a waiter takes us to a nice table in the middle of the restaurant. Sans and I talk more and we order and it gets to our table pretty quickly. When we are done eating it is late afternoon.

"You wanna just head to my place and watch a different movie?" I ask Sans when we leave the hotel. "Uh, sure thing." I then realize that I have kept on Sans' jacket throughout our entire walk there and through the meal, "oh, do you want your jacket back?" I ask about to take it off. "It will be cold in Snowdin. Keep it for now." He says with a light grin cross his face.

When we get back to my house I feel exhausted. We walked so far in one day and back, I just want to lay down and relax today, but these are not the clothes for that. "I'm gonna change in to some normal clothes." I say walking into my room. "Hey, can I have my jacket back?" Sans yells before I close my door. I take it off and hand it to him. "Can I borrow a shirt?" He asks with a little grin. I let him in my room and open my closet, "pick anyone you like." I say grabbing some clothes I'm going to wear. I then walk into my bathroom and change into my PJs that I picked. I walk out and I see Sans snuggled in my couch wearing one of my Grilbys shirts. "Nice shirt." I say as I walk over to join him on the couch. "I know, some ghost gave it to me." Sans says looking in my eyes as I snuggle into the couch. I smile. "That's some cool ghost." Sans nods, "she is amazing, and I think we went on our first date today." I can't help but blush, "well, I did the same thing with this really cute skeleton." I say laying on my arm. "That's one lucky skeleton." Sans lays next to me. "Well, that ghost is lucky too." I say as Sans wraps an arm around me and I snuggle into his arms. "I guess that makes us both, very lucky indeed." Sans says as I slowly drift to sleep in his arms.

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