Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Walk in the Park

I wake up the next morning so happy about everything in my life. I roll over to see Sans fast asleep for the first time. I smile at the sight, my life is perfect. I have an amazing fiancé, a job that I love, amazing friends who care about me and I all of them are having fantastic lives along with me. My life is perfect. I could never ask for anything else to make my life better. Sans eyes pop open and immediately a smiles spreads across his face. "Morning beautiful." He says sweetly. "Morning handsome." I return the compliment. We stare into each others eyes, just laying in bed for a while and I can't stop thinking about how perfect our lives are and will be very soon at our wedding.

Sans' POV

I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling in my gut. I don't know why, everything is amazing and perfect. So, why do I feel so awful? It couldn't be from my nightmare, I can get over dreams easily. Even if I did see Lanty dying in that nightmare, it can't ever happen, right? Oh, I don't know what I'd do without her in my life. She is like another part of me that I feel like I need. She is everything I've ever wanted in one monster. She is perfection without knowing it. "I love you." I say sleepily. A smile covers Lantys face and blush creeps onto her cheeks. "I love you too." She whispers back. I smile brightly at the response, she is perfection. "We should go somewhere. It might be fun." I say sweetly. Lanty smiles, "okay. Where do you want to go?" She asks, like usual. We decide on going on a walk through Snowdin and Waterfall, just because we can and it might be fun.

Lantys POV

Sans and I grasp each others hands and begin walking towards Waterfall. I wonder is Undyne is around, she seemed to be one of the most excited monsters to know about our wedding. She has known me a very long time, longer than she has known Papyrus. They met one year after she started hanging out with me. Undyne met Alphys more recently because she met her when she became Captain of the Royal Guard. She needed something made in the lab and met Alphys. Alphys and I knew each other before then because I met her when I moved to Hotland. However, I didn't stay there long and I moved back to my house in Waterfall. I miss living there sometimes, but I'm glad that I moved to Snowdin and met Sans. I wonder what would have happened in my life if I had stayed in Hotland, or Waterfall. I wonder if I would've stayed with Nabstablook or if I would be working at Grilbys. Simple things can affect our lives so much.

Sans and I enter Waterfall and I immediately see a familiar face... A face I thought I'd never see ever again. Nabstablook. I gasp when I see him and almost run at that moment. I let go of Sans' hand and start to back away from the situation. I can't face him, not like this. I then quickly turn around and run from the place. I need to get away. I need to calm myself. I can't face Nabstablook again, not right now anyway. Not with Sans holding my hand. I run around a corner passed the Librarby and see a ledge where water is. I sit in front of it and put my face in my hands beginning to cry. I hear footsteps behind me approach. "I'm sorry, I just can't face him right now. Its nothing against you." I say, assuming the steps belong to Sans. There is no response, I don't blame him. I just bolted away from him, I would be shocked too. I turn my head to face him and don't see Sans standing there. A human holding a dagger stands in front of me, a creepy grin placed on their face.

I know this chapter was really short, its just that I'm having the next chapter have a lot of things happen and I wanted to put everything into one chapter. I hope you all are ready for the most intense chapter you'll read in this book. See you in that chapter! Bye!

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