Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Keep Old Friends

I wake up the next morning at 8:30 and I can't believe how happy I am that I don't have to go to work. It has probably been a few months since I've taken one day off and I'm just gonna see one of my old friends. I get dressed, brush my teeth, the usual. Then, I call Undyne to see if she will come to see Alphys with me. "Hey punk, what's up?" I hear Undynes voice on the other end. "Hey Undyne, I'm going to Alphys' today, you wanna come?" I ask pulling on my shoes. "Oh, sure. Wanna meet at Waterfall since its on the way?" She asks sounding like she is moving something on the other end. "Sure thing, I'll be there soon." I say walking out the door. "Okay, bye." Then she hangs up. Undyne was never much for chatter on the phone. I lock my house and I start to walk to Waterfall. On the way Sans spots me, "Hey, aren't you supposed to be at work?" He asks stopping me. I shake my head, "I got the night shift today, so I'm gonna be there at 4." I say trying to start walking again, but Sans once again blocking my path. "Oh, well, I'll see you then." He says with a small grin spread on his face.

Sans let's me pass and I give him a small smile as I pass him. Maybe he does like me. I think as I continue to meet Undyne. As I get in to Waterfall I start looking around for Undyne. I then see her leaning on a wall. "Hey punk." She says walking over to me. "Hey, I gotta tell you something." I tell her thinking about what Sans said. "Tell me on the way, it's almost 10:30" she says dragging me along.

Time skip: They are at Hotland

"He really said that?" Undyne asks after I tell her about Sans. I nod and chuckle a little. "Well, he does always sit in front of you at Grilbys when you are working there." Undyne says trying to justify my point more. "Yeah, but haven't you noticed something weird about him?" Undyne shrugs, "yeah, he does have a weird vibe. But I think you guys would be a cute couple!" I roll my eyes, "oh my gosh Undyne," I say while Undyne cracks up "I can see it now, the skeleton and the ghost kissing in the corner." I try not to listen to anything else she says and I quickly run over to Alphys' lab. "Hey Alphys! Lanty has an admirer!" Undyne yells through the lab door. "Shut up! It was just a thought, not a fact!" I yell at Undyne. The lab door opens and I see Alphys holding a few blankets in front of a little couch and a TV. Undyne walks inside and I follow.

"Hey Alphys!" I say smiling at her. "H-hi Lanty a-and U-Undyne." Alphys says placing the blankets on the couch. "Hi Alphys, what we gonna do?" Alphys looks back at us and closes the lab door, "M-m-maybe we c-can watch s-some animae like w-we used to." I smile, "sounds great." I walk over to Alphys and give her a hug to stop her from being nervous. Alphys has had anxiety for a long time and it always helps when people believe in her. "Don't worry, we'll love it" I whisper in her ear when I hug her. I feel her hug me back and whisper "thank you" when we pull away I see Undyne sitting on the couch looking at us with a weird look "are you gonna stop crushing on everybody soon?" Undyne asks me with a grin, "I don't crush on anyone right now. And you know that." Undyne laughs, "yeah, yeah, now sit down and let's watch animae." I sit down on the edge and Alphys sits in the middle of Undyne and I. She then turns on an animae that I have no idea what it's about.

After we watch tons of animae I decide to look at the time, 3:00, woah, we've been here for a long time and I gotta get to work soon. "Hey, I gotta be at work by 4, so I better be off." I say getting off the couch and pulling the blankets off me. "Oh, yeah I better be doing my job too. Being the captain of the Royal Guard, I need to see what everyone is doing." I nod and Undyne gets off the couch too. Alphys smiles, "well, it w-was nice t-to see you b-both." She says also standing up. "Oh, and tell Mettaton hi for me." I say walking towards the door. "Yeah, me too." Undyne adds walking with me. "I w-will." Alphys says opening the lab door for us. I wave and walk out with Undyne following me.

"What are you doing?" I ask Undyne after we walk outside. She doesn't need to go check on her soldiers, she only needs to give Asgore a report every day. Undyne sighs, "I just get nervous when I'm alone with her." Undyne confesses with her cheeks almost going red. "Why?" I ask very confused, we are friends, and we used to all be really close. "Can I tell you a secret?" Undyne asks with seriousness in her voice. "Of course." I say shocked at what she asked. "I've always had a crush on Alphys." Undyne says. Awe! This is so adorable! I an right about to tell her about Alphys' feelings when I bite my tough, well as much as a ghost can. Sadly, it isn't my secret to tell. I try to hide my happiness, "you should tell her." I blurt out. "What? How can I?" Undyne says nervously. "Trust me, it's the best thing to do when you have feelings." I can see Undyne blush, "I don't know. I might." She says quietly. We enter Waterfall, "well, it's your stop." I say. She nods, "see ya." I wave and we walk our different ways.

When I get to Grilbys I am lucky to be on time. The clock says it's 3:57 when I walk in the door. I walk behind the counter and start to wipe a counter. I then turn and see Sans sitting in his seat. "Hey Lanty." He says when I see him.

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