Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Nightmare

After my shift Sans walks me home as usual and I wake up the next day as usual. I wipe the sleep from my eyes and suddenly see Sans sitting in a chair in the corner of my room. "Hey." I say with a smile. "What's up?" I add. Sans stands form the chair and walks to me. "The human that I've heard is here... Its killing things... Mercilessly. I came to make sure you were okay because it was supposes to be close to Snowdin." Sans explains as he sits on the edge of my bed. "They were telling everyone to evacuate. Because the human is really dangerous." Sans explains. I nod, "okay. Wanna go to Alphys' lab in Hotland? That's far away." I suggest. "She is the one evacuating everyone." Sans chuckles. "Well, then... Where would we go?" I ask curiously. Sans shrugs, "they just said to hide. Whatever that is supposed to mean." Sans retorts. I giggle softly, "just wanna stay here all day? Snuggling and watching movies?" I suggest with a grin spread on my face. Sans nods, "that sounds great." He says. "I'll make some popcorn. You can wake up." Sans says as he disappears off the bed. I get out of bed and change out of my work clothes, that I had accidentally fallen asleep in. I change into a purple tank top and pajama pants that have stars on them. I walk out to the kitchen to see Sans standing by the microwave waiting for the popcorn to pop.

Sans and I settle in on the couch with Sans leaning against the far side of it and myself laying on top of Sans. We both grasp each others hands tightly as the first movie starts. We watch a few until I hear a knock at my door. Sans looks down at me confused, "expecting anyone?" He asks. I shake my head and Sans teleports to the door and opens it. On the other side I see Undyne dressed in her battle armor, which is rare these days. "Hey, is Lanty here?" She asks when Sans opens the door. I get off the couch, "yeah. What's up?" I ask. "There's a human around here. I don't think its safe for you two to stay here. Wanna stay at my place for a while? I locked it down so its safe." Undyne informs us. I look at Sans and back at Undyne. "Sure. Can we pack a bag first?" I ask with a shrug. "Yeah. I'll wait here." She says continuing to stand outside the door. I nod and close the door. "Okay, pack some stuff." I say with a smile.

Sans and I pack bags of different foods, clothes and a few pillows and blankets. Undyne then leafs us to her house and let's us inside. "Don't let anyone in, I am the only one who will come and I can open the door myself." Undyne says sternly. Sans and I sit around Undynes house talking and eating occasionally. "Where's Papyrus?" I ask Sans breaking a moment of silence. "He's safe. I made sure." Sans informs me. We sit in silence for most of the day until night comes and we lay out pillows and blankets on the floor, because we chose not to take Undynes bed. However, there was not very many blankets so we had to share. Sans and I lay on the floor in each others arms for warmth slowly falling asleep. That night I once again have a terrible nightmare.

It starts with me walking around Snowdin with Sans and then we see a figure in the distance. We slowly approach it and then realize that it is the human on the lose. We both run away quickly, but it catches me in its hands putting a knife to my throat. "Worthless monsters always getting in my way." The human says in a raspy voice. I try to respond, but no words come out. I suddenly see Sans begin to approach us. "Sans! Stop! Don't get involved!" My voice came back. "You know, I could kill you right now. Aren't you scared?" The human asks in a blood curdling voice. I shake my head slightly, "no. Because I know there is good in you. I know that you're just scared. Aren't you Chara?" I ask grimly. The voice and words coming aren't even me, they cone from my mouth and voice, but not me. "Heh. You're clever." She whispers creepily. I stay still, not daring to say another word.  She turns away for a bit taking the knife away slowly. I begin to sigh in relief when suddenly the human stabs the knife into my chest and runs away. Sans runs to me with tears already coming to his eyes. "Don't worry. I'll fix this. I have to." Sans whisper at he tears a price of his jacket to patch up my wound. I shove the fabric away, "I'm slipping. I won't be here much longer. I'm so sorry. I broke my promise." I say as pain hits me and tears come. Sans puts his hand under my head. "You can't. I have no one else. You can't!" Sans is shouting now. I try hard to keep my eyes open, "I'm so sorry." I say as loud as I can. Sans shakes his head and kisses me passionately. He pulls away all of a sudden, "you can't. Please." He sobs. Suddenly I wake up and jolt upright yelling "I'll always stay!" I calm myself down and see that I awoken Sans too. I lay down calming myself, "sorry. It was a nightmare." I explain. Sans wraps his arm back around me, "don't worry, I get them too. And I'll always stay too." He whispers soothingly. I nod as I lay into his arms and drift to sleep again.

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