Chapter 28 Storm

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I'm getting really worried about Stella. Last night really messed with her. I decided to go get breakfast for us while she was still asleep, a grabbed another shirt and ran down to the cafeteria before she woke up.

Stella woke up as soon as I returned with a few strips of bacon and two muffins. "Where'd you go?" She asks sleepily.

"The cafeteria," I say.

"You got bacon?" She asks. "You're the best."

I smile. "Didn't we figure this out a long time ago?"

She laughs. "Yeah," she says. "Give me some bacon." She sits up.

I follow her orders and sit down next to her, I give her a muffin as well. She leans against me as we eat. "How are you?" I ask, I can't shake the image of her thrashing and screaming after that simulation last night.

"Alright," she says. "Why?"

I shrug. "I'm worried," I say. "Did you sleep well?" She nods. "Good."

"Did you?" She asks jokingly. I smile and nod, taking a bite out of my muffin. "I'm glad Nathanial gave me today off."

"Me too," I say. "What do you want to do today?"

She shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe just stay here and watch Cartoons."

I laugh. "It beats going to the roof."



We haven't really done much all day. I got our lunch while Stella was in the shower so she wouldn't try to come with me. On the way back, I ran into Alice.

"Hey," she says. "What's up, Storm?"

"Everything above us," I say. "I don't see why that concerns you." She laughs. After a moment, I say "What happened between you and Stella that started this whole thing?"

Her laughter and smiling die. "I made a decision on my own, like we're supposed to. She didn't like it, she wouldn't listen to what I had to say, end of friendship, basically," she says. "It doesn't really bother me anymore, I've learned to deal with it. How's she holding up? I mean-- How was the simulation yesterday, and why'd they call her name on the speaker the other day?"

"I don't see why you care," I say. "You just said you've learned to deal with your relationship with her gone. Why does it matter to you anymore?"

"She's still Stella. She's still part of the group. She's still seemingly the only reason you have to keep going," she says. "She used to be that for me, and then I actually met Abigale, and she helped Grace get some of her memories back. And they aren't even fake like I thought they would be. I have two reasons to keep going now. Maybe you should try to be the neutral zone between the two of us. Maybe you should hang out with us for a few days just to see what our side of the situation is. It might give you a few more reasons to keep going."

I sigh. "You know I won't just leave her all by herself. She's barely making it as it is. The simulation last night . . . She seemed almost fine before that, but after the sim, she woke up screaming and thrashing and it took her a long time to stop shaking--"

"She was probably faking."

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me, Grace was right. What she said a few weeks ago when they got into a fight. Stella just wants your attention, and she's fine as long as she gets it."

"What did Abigale do to you?"

"Nothing, she didn't inject me with anything. She only gave Grace something that would help her remember a little more. And ever since Anthony . . . I've had a lot of time to think. And that's exactly what I've done."

"I know what Stella said the other day," I say. "About Anthony possibly not being dead."

"And? Did you agree with her or me?"

"I agree with her," I say. "Because we decided on that possibly from what's on the thumb drive."

"Wait-- She wasn't kidding? She wasn't using that as a weapon against me?"

"Would she really do that?" I ask almost sarcastically.

"I don't know, I've tried to avoid the subject."

"Well, it's true. There's a possibility," I say. "Next time you assume something, consider the fact that you might be wrong." I turn and go into my apartment, locking the door behind me. Stella is laying on the bed, on top of the blankets that seem to have been straightened out recently. Her hair is in curls, framing her face carefully. "How long was I gone?" I ask.

"About a half hour," Stella says. "Is that a question leading up to my hair?" I nod. "I got bored. You don't like it?" She smiles after the question.

"I like it," I say. "It was just unexpected." I sit down next to her and reach into the bag they put our food in. I pull out two hamburgers, two slices of cake, two water bottles, and two slices of bread. I give Stella one of each.

"So," she says. "I heard talking out there, it sounded like you and Alice."

"She asked about you," I say. "Right after saying she learned to deal with you being gone."

"How much did you tell her?"

"Nothing, really. I asked her why she cared and she said because it's you and how much you affect me and the rest of the group. Then she tried to get me away from you and see their side of the situation."



"Why would she do that? If she'd convinced you to leave right out there, I'd be in here alone, waiting for you to come back. What if she's starting to favor Abigale over me and wants you to be with her now?"

"She wouldn't be able to do something like that," I say. "She had nothing to do with our relationship, she can't possibly try to get me to start one with Abigale that doesn't involve you two fighting over me."

Stella sighs. "What else happened?"

"I explained the whole Anthony thing," I say. "She thought you were trying to use it as a weapon against her."

"I don't get it," she says. "She was fine with me until Abigale came around the other day. What do you think happened?"

"All I know is that they were okay with each other and then Abigale gave Grace something that helped her remember a little bit more, then Alice thought Abigale was amazing. I don't know what Abigale is trying to do, but I know it won't be good if we don't find out soon."

There's a brief silence. Then there's a knock on the door. I sigh and answer. Grace stands outside, her arm held up with her hand in a fist, ready to knock again.

"Yes?" I say, a bit too sarcastic. I don't really care.

"We want to talk to you, just you," she says.


She hesitates. "Just let everyone else talk."

"Well, you're a bit out of luck," I say, stepping back into the apartment. "Because whatever it is you're trying to do, it won't work. If you want to talk to me, you'll be seeing Stella as well, and next time, you'll bring everyone that wants to talk back here. Got it?" She nods. "Good," I close the door and lock it. I sit back down on the bed next to Stella.

She stares at me for a moment. "What's going on?" She asks.

"What makes you think I know?" I ask.

"I don't know, I just want you to tell me what you know about this," she says.

I shake my head. "Not much, okay? I don't understand why they want to talk to me, and I don't want to think about it . . . Can we just watch Cartoons and eat our lunch?" She smiles and nods.

We do.

I'm sorry and the short chapter, this one is one of those chapters that leads up to something good.


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