Chapter 25 Storm

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Stella had a small lunch. She should eat more than she does, but I know why she eats so little. I remember the days I would eat hardly anything because I wasn't hungry. Back when I still lived with Nate and Angelina was already gone. The continuous accusations of her "death" being my fault, the beatings, the glass, those things hunted me everywhere I went. I went to school, I would doze off in the middle of class remembering when Angelina was still there, as I walked home, I would run just because I knew Nate wouldn't like it but he never found out, when I went home and to bed, I would stare at the ceiling through the darkness, wondering why Nate hated me, even before Angelina left. I was never really hungry back then.

Stella changed me. She helped me realize that who I was back in Dauntless was a fake, that guy is dead, so is the little Lamar Polar that didn't know how to stand up for himself, the little boy that got beat by his dad is dead. I'm not Storm either, I don't even know if I have that fear anymore. When I realized how much I liked her, I realized what I had to show her-- The most important thing to me, which, at the time, was my fear landscape. It's kind of hard to show her the most important thing to me right now. Well . . . not really, I guess.

Her fight with Alice getting me worried, not just what it's about. Stella is pretty stubborn, I'm almost certain she wont back down from keeping Abigale out of the group, but maybe, just maybe, she'll let it slide for Alice. And if Stella doesn't back down, Alice might do whatever she wants just because she knows it'll piss Stella off. And that could really get between the two of them.

After lunch, Stella and I went to the roof, it isn't as windy as usual up here at the moment. We can actually stand. Stella stands up straight, walking around close to the edge of the building. but not too close, who knows when the wind will return? She seems to be scanning the area or something, maybe it's an old habit from being on the road so long. I lean against what I think is the chimney, but no smoke flows out of it, so I'm not sure.

"I think I can see a little bit of the zip-line," she says. "I can barely see it through the fence, but I can see the Hancock building, and a cable connected to it."

"That's probably it," I say, starting towards her. I stop next to her and wrap my arm around her shoulder. I stare out, through the fence, trying to see what she's talking about, then I see it. She rests her head on my shoulder after a moment. We just stand there for a few minutes, then the wind picks up speed. "We'd better go back inside," I say, starting to remember where we are. "It'll decrease the risk of either of us falling off a building."

She laughs nervously. "Yeah, let's go."


I ended up carrying Stella back to the apartment.

We almost made it back without any distractions.

"Storm! Stella!" It was a specific voice that neither of us wanted to hear at the moment. "I live right next you guys now! Won't it be great?"

"Yay," I say as sarcastically as I can, Stella would've done the exact same thing if I hadn't beat her to it.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Abigale asks.

"Tired," Stella says.

"Neither of you really look tired, what's going on?"

"We're trying to deal with something right now, okay?" I say, still holding Stella in my arms, she doesn't make any effort to escape, so I hold her closer to try to get Abigale to go away.

"What are you dealing with?" Alice says from behind me, I turn to look at her, her arms are crossed and most of her weight is on her right foot. By the expression on her face, I can tell she's upset. "Well?"

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