Chapter 8 Storm

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I am furious. But I notice that no one seems to be able to tell exactly how angry I am besides Stella, she turns on her heel and leaves, as if she's afraid I'll blow up on her like a time bomb.

I immediately consider punching Nathanial in the face, but I reconsider, it could lead to something bad that might get us kicked out. I need to go to Stella, so I do, and I need to know everything about these tests before I let them use her.

"Stella," I say. She is already lying down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling, examining it's plainness. "Stella, I need you to tell me more about the test. Please."

She sighs and sits up, I sit down on my bed so a can look at her. "What do you want to know?" She asks.

"Everything," I say. "I want you to tell me everything he told you."

"All I know is that he wants to test my immunity to every serum, he'll start with the weaker ones and work his way up," she says. "I had to let him because I know you'd rather me just take tests than die. And I couldn't let him take all of your memories away and send you back to the faction system."

"But what if I'm immune?" I ask. "If I still remember-"

"But what if you're not?" She asks. "And the others-"

"Damn you, Anthony!" Alice screams. "Damn you!" She bursts through the door to the dormitory, tears running down her face like a river. "I'm leaving," she says as she pulls her supply bag out from under her bed. "And I'm not coming back. Don't let anyone follow me."

"Alice," Stella say,s standing and walking towards her. "Before you go, tell me what happened."

"I found out that Anthony was cheating on me," Alice says. "With some girl from Dauntless. God, he's such an asshole."

"Alice," Stella says. "You don't need to leave for that-"

"Oh, how the hell would you know, Stella?" Alice asks. "Storm would never cheat on you. Never. So don't even think you know what I'm feeling right now."

I stand and start towards them. "Alice," I say. "If you want to go, you can go."

"What?" Stella asks. "No, Alice, you can't leave, that was the past, this is now. You could just avoid him, at least keep him in your life."

"What if she doesn't want to, Stella?" I ask.

"You made your decision without talking to anybody else first," Alice says. "Why can't anybody else do that?"

"That's different," Stella says.

"How?" Alice asks. "Just explain to me, how is this any different, you made a decision for yourself because, obviously, you still want to die. If I want Anthony out of my life, why can't I make that decision?"

"I don't want to die," Stella says. "He told me that if I refused to go through with the tests, he would kill me, give you all memory serum and send you back to the faction system!"

"I don't believe you," Alice says. "He leads this place, he can't do that."

"He sure as hell can!" Stella screams. "If you don't trust me enough to believe me when I tell you something important, just go. Ruin your life, because I don't believe you when you tell me that Anthony was cheating on you!"

"How could you not believe me?" Alice says. "What I'm telling you is actually believable!"

"You two need to stop," I say, touching each of their shoulders lightly, both of their faces have tears streaming down them. "Right now." I stare at each of them for a moment. "Alice, you can leave if that's what you want." She nods and walks out the door without looking back.

Stella slaps my hand away from her and breaks down, she starts back towards her bed and sits down, sobbing into her hands. I start towards her and place my hand on her shoulder, she immediately slaps it away. "Don't touch me!" She says. "I'm trying to pull myself together!"

"Stella, I can help you," I say. "Just let me-"

"You just sent Alice away!" She says, failing to hold back her tears. "She was my best friend, Storm."

"Stella," I say. "Calm down, you need to calm down-"

"Don't tell me when the hell I need to calm down!" She says. "Just go back to breakfast, talk to Anthony or something, just get the hell away from me right now"


"Don't Stella me!" She says. "I just . . . I need to be alone right now, just go."

I feel as though she had stabbed me in the chest, it hurts what she just said to me. I take a step back, turn and run a hand down my face and I start towards the door. I open it to see Grace. "Don't go in there," I say.

"Why?" She asks. "Where's Alice?"

I sigh. "Did you not hear about Anthony?"

"I heard."

"Alice left," I say. "Don't go in there, Stella's having a hard time, they got into a fight right before Alice left."

Grace nods. "Okay," she says. She squeezes her eyes shut and turns away from me. I end up having to tell the same story to Faith and Adrian only a few moments later.

"Damn," Faith says. "Anthony's such an ass."

"Stella doesn't believe Alice," I say. "I don't know why, but just don't bother her about it, okay?"

They nod and walk away. And Anthony starts towards me. "Where's Alice?" He demands.

"She left because of you," I say. "We don't know where she went."

"Damn it," he mutters. "What did she tell you?"

"That you cheated on her," my voice is cold. "Why did you?"

"That's the thing," he laughs. "I didn't."

"I don't believe you."

" I know."

"Then why-"

"I heard Stella didn't believe her," he says. "Let me talk to her and explain what happened."

"There is no need for you to explain," I say. "You cheated on Alice, there is nothing more that needs to be said."

"Damn it, Storm!" He says. "If you would just listen-"

"No," I say. "I'm not letting you any where near her, especially when she doesn't even want me around her."

"Fine, you can come, I just need to tell her-"

"Did you not hear me?" I ask. "You're not going any where near her."

"Storm, could you just listen to me?" He asks. "If I tell you," he hesitates. "Can you get it back to her? Please, I can't lose Alice."

I sigh. "Fine," I say. "Tell me."

He does.

* * *

The information Anthony gave me has me wondering if I can really trust him. No wonder he didn't want to tell me, I don't know what to do with it, what to think about it. This is another reason I have Stella in our second in charge place, once she finds out, she'll know exactly what to think of it.

I send everyone back to the cafeteria and turn back towards the dormitory, open the door and Stella is immediately yelling at me again. "I told you I need to be alone!"

"Stella," I say. "Don't yell at me." My voice is cold, unusual seeing as how I'm speaking to her. "Anthony told me something that he wanted to tell you."

She sighs. "What?" Her voice is carefully threaded with irritation and sorrow.

I tell her.

Hey everyone, sorry for the short chapter, I'll make up for it by posting again later.


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