Chapter 24 Stella

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Everyone refused to leave the cafeteria until Alice got back. She returned with a small smile on her face, at first I suspected she was hiding something. But now it's clear that she wasn't.

As we waited for her return, I noticed a certain nervousness on Lamar's face, maybe he was hiding something. I've never been so sure someone was hiding something from me. I didn't ask him about it, I still haven't, there's too many people around to even give me a chance of a clear answer.

As soon as Alice returned, we all finished our meals and went back to the apartment.

"When can we go to the others?" Faith asked. " It's crowded in here and the couch is too small for 2 people unless one of them is Stella."

I snort.

"You can go tonight if you want," Lamar says. "But if either of you die, it's your fault."

Grace covers up a laugh with a cough.

Faith hesitates. "We'll go tomorrow," she nods towards Adrian who looks at her with disbelief.

Alice nods. "Good choice," she says. "I might've had to stab one of you to keep you from going."

"To keep us from going and getting killed?" Adrian says. "You'd stab us to stop that. That's some real logic."

"It is, isn't it?" Alice says.

I sit down on the bed, Lamar stands next to me with his arms folded.

"Are you sure you want to stay again tonight?" He asks. "It honestly doesn't bug me, just don't die."

"You sound like you want us out, Storm," Adrian says. "You have some plans for tonight?" He lifts his eyebrows and lowers them a few times. I try to ignore the gesture.

"I do have plans for tonight, to sleep well and talk to Stella about the thumb drive."

Adrian looks at Faith questioningly. She nods. "We'll go."

Alice hesitates. "Grace and I will share a room." Grace nods.

"If we hear about anyone-- and I mean anyone-- getting killed or injured in their sleep or something suspicious like that, we all come back to this set up," I say. "Agreed?"

Everyone nods or returns the same word back to me with a different tone. They all turn and start to pack their things except Lamar. He sits down next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

He turns his head so his mouth is next to my ear and whispers "Are you sure you're alright with this? I mean-- it's dangerous and of course I don't want them to get hurt. But we can't just keep everyone stuck in this room forever."

I nod. "I know, but it just seems . . . Rushed. The plan was to keep them in here for a few nights so we'd be a bit more unpredictable. But this . . . This goes against all of that. We need to at least make sure they know that they still need to keep the lights on at night and the doors locked."

"We will."

Alice sighs. "Well," she says. "We will see all of you tomorrow morning? Maybe tonight at dinner?"

I nod. "Dinner, we'll keep our usual seating arrangement--"

"You sound like a parent-- blah blah blah, clean your room, blah blah blah, was the dishes-- SHUT THE HELL UP WE AREN'T 5." Faith says.

"Don't you get it, Faith?" Lamar says. "We have to do this, if we don't, it'll raise suspicion."

"What's suspicious about sitting in a different spot at dinner?" Adrian says.

My Allegiant Life-- A Divergent FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum