Chapter 7 Stella

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Sleep is amazing. The peaceful darkness that sometimes shows people what they want to see, but other times shows them what will haunt them for a long time. But, the beauty of sleep is that is makes living things seem to have a battery, sleep is a charger that never fails to fulfill it's duties.

I wake, my eyes seem to flutter open. I see that everyone else is awake as well as I roll onto my back, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

"You're awake," Lamar says, he slides one of his hands over mine. His head rests in the crook of my neck, his hair brushes softly against my skin.

"Yeah," I say quietly. "I was the last one, again."

"Well," he says. "You did wake up a few times in the middle of the night."

"True," I say. "I'm sorry for waking you, I-"

"Don't apologize," he says. "It isn't you that wakes me, it's when you aren't in my arms that wakes me. I get unsettled by it and I immediately think someone has stolen you."

I lace my fingers with his, he removes his head from the crook of my neck and sits up, our fingers still laced together.

"We should go to the cafeteria, get some food-" he starts.

"You can go," I say. "I'm not hungry."

"Stella . . ."

"I'm not," I say, sitting up. "I'll stay here and try to figure out the communication device."

"You have plenty of time to figure it out," he says. "And if you're not going, I'm not. I am keeping you within my sight at all times from now on."

I smile. "And how well do you think that'll work out?"

"Pretty well."

"For how long?"

"As long as I want it to."

"I don't think so," I say. "It won't work for very long, what happens when they take me to get tested on?"

"I go with you," he says. "Where ever you go, I go."

"I'd suggest you not do that," I say. "What about when I go to the bathroom to take a shower or something?"

"I'll gladly join you," he says.

I playfully slap him. "No you won't."

He laughs and somehow makes me turn so my back is towards him and I fall into his arms, his free hand on my leg while our hands are still locked together.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Grace says, her voice cold. "We'd prefer to not watch this lead somewhere else, you can wait until we get our own places for that, if not, take it to the shower, and play very, very loud music."

Everyone bursts into laughter, even Lamar, laughing under his breath with that small smile on his face that I have grown to love so much.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Adrian says. "Storm just smiled, and laughed. That's something I thought I'd never see." He looks at me. "Stella, do you see this often?"

I nod. "Yes," I say. "Quite often." Lamar nudges me with his elbow after releasing me.

"That's amazing," Adrian says. "Storm never smiles or laughs or does anything positive like that. Never-"

"You've made your point, Adrian," Lamar says, his smile gone and his voice cold.

"Damn," Faith says. "You've go some serious damn mood swings, Storm. First your happy, smiling. Two seconds later your shooting glares at everyone like you hate your life."

My Allegiant Life-- A Divergent FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora