Chapter 5 Storm

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    It seems like such an important number, I can't see why, it just opens the gates, it doesn't do much else.

    I keep Stella close to me as we start running again, having made an agreement with Grace that we wouldn't go too far away. Every one of us is pressed up against the side of a building, the second group is just a few dozen feet away, Stella tells me that she can still see them.

    "We're going to go ahead a few yards," I tell them. "We'll stay within eye sight." They all nod. I look down at Stella, she nods, just once, and we're off. We move as quickly and silently as possible, we press ourselves firmly against the wall of the next building. Stella motions for them to follow as soon as possible, following our demonstration. I constantly check around the corners to make sure there are no people around to catch us but no one seems to be on the streets. I grab her hand and pull her along with me as I cross to the next building.

    We cross several streets, stopping cautiously pressed against every building wall until we get to the middle of the city, a building noticeably larger than the others marking it. Stella's fingers between mine reminds me that I don't need to look over to see that she's still there, but I do anyway.

    "You ready?" I whisper into her ear. She nods. "Let's go, then."

    The factionless are here now, as we take our first steps into the building, I motion for everyone to stay back while Stella and I check everything out. Everything seems so deserted. There is not a living thing in sight. I lead Stella down the halls and then, there is a gun barrel in my face.

    "Stop," the man holding the gun says. "We all know you're from the faction system, the factionless, Erudite, Dauntless. I'd suggest you take out all of our weapons, bring in the rest of your group, and come with me, and don't try anything stupid, we have cameras everywhere."

    Stella slowly slips away from me, she mouths "I'll go get them" to me just before she turns and leaves. She returns just moments later, every weapon out of the whole group in her and Anthony's hands. They put them on the ground before the man holding the gun to my forehead. He stares at me for a moment before I reluctantly pull out my gun and knife and put them in the pile. Stella returns to my side as the man starts talking again.

    "Follow me, all of you," the man says. He starts walking, we all follow him, picking up our weapons as we pass the pile, I keep my knife out, but Stella grabs my hand, and gives me a look that tells me to put it away. "We have three separate dormitories for all of you to sleep in, I don't care how you organize yourselves, just don't take up more than the three dorms. There are clothes, food, water, and a small communication device in and on every nightstand. I'd suggest you take everything we're giving you willingly and listen to what we tell you. I want everyone in the cafeteria by 11 o'clock tonight. No questions asked. Have a good few hours of exploration." The man leaves.

    I turn to the group. "Everyone!" I say, catching their attention. "I want as many of the factionless that can fit, in one dorm, the remainder in the next, everyone else will sleep in a separate one. Clear?"

    "Clear," they all say in unison.

    I turn to Stella. "Stay with our group, I'll make sure everyone finds a bed and I know how many factionless there are, okay?" She nods and joins Alice, Grace, Faith, Adrian, and Anthony. I lead the factionless into one dorm, they fill it immediately, I notice that there is only  one bathroom in each dorm as I lead them to the next one, there is a door to the bathroom and a door to the next dorm. The remainder of the factionless fill three quarters of the second dorm. I count forty beds in each dorm, meaning there are 70 factionless, plus Nate. I tell everyone to keep the doors locked at all times because these people can't be trusted, not until we figure out who they are.

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