Chapter 1

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---Stan's pov---

Kyle and I have always been close friends.

But, when we got to high school, I started becoming more outgoing and popular, while Kyle remained pretty much the same. Where he was nerdy, shy, and short, I was a jock, friendly, and tall.

We still hung out a lot. Not as much as before, but a lot.

Eventually, in 10th grade, something started to happen. Kyle didn't really have many friends, but I did. Almost everyone knew me as the handsome star quarterback.

I'd like to say we stayed just as close, if not closer, but we didn't.

Kyle and I would be over at his house watching a movie or playing a video game, but then I'd get a phone call or a text.

For instance, it was a Friday. So, as usual, Kyle and I decided to hang out at his house. We decided to watch a movie. What movie? Well, I wasn't there long enough to even tell you what type of movie we were going to watch.

I got a call from Kenny that Clyde was throwing an awesome party and I had to be there.

So, I did what I always did,

"Clyde's throwing a party. I'll see you later, okay?"

Kyle looked at me and smiled, "Yeah, sure, dude. Have fun..."

So, I left and went to the party.

That brings us to where I am now. I'm still at Clyde's with a pounding head ache.

I head down stairs and see Bebe trying to leave without being noticed, "Bebe?"

She instantly freezes. Then she whirls around and looks at me.

Then, I see her smile, "Oh... Hey Stan..." She starts laughing.

I give her a confused look.

"Oh my god, you don't remember what happened last night do you?"

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