Chapter 41: Something's Growing

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Kat was breathing hard as she groped around her back, trying to find even the slightest sign of a feather. The pain was so fierce that she fell to the ground.

She realized that her wings were gone, and she started to scream again, horrible, heart wrenching, blood-curdling cries and sobs. 

Some people burst into her room. "Kat?" It was Nova and Freya. "Kat!" She saw Kat on the ground in the bathroom, sobbing her eyes out. "Are you alright?"

"M-My wings!" she wailed. "Th-they're g-gone!" She covered her face with her hands and tears flowed freely. "I-it h-hurts!"

Nova cursed. "I'll be right back." She ran out of the room and screamed, "Leroy! Get in here! Kat's hurt!"

Freya touched Kat's shoulder and somehow, that calmed her down a tiny bit. "Shhh," Freya comforted. "It's alright."

Leroy came barreling out of his room and ran down towards Nova. "What do you mean?" His ginger hair was messy, and his pajamas were wrinkled. 

"I don't know what's wrong with her. She says her wings are gone."

"What? That's not possible. That's like your legs disappearing overnight!"

"I never said it was possible, I just said that that's what she said! Go help her!" Nova shoved Leroy into the room where Kat was still bawling.

Leroy knelt down next to her and said, "What's wrong?"

"M-my WINGS!" she wailed.

He felt her back and tensed up when he didn't feel anything. He lifted her shirt slightly and noticed that there was some kind of silky white stuff creeping up her back. He felt it, thinking that something was on her, but he only felt skin. "You have something here," he said calmly.

She cried out when he touched the spot again.

Inspecting it closely, he saw that it was starting to grow.

"Kat, something's growing on your back," he began, "and it seems to be growing quite quickly."

She ignored him. "It hurts!" she screamed. "Make it stop!" 

Leroy steeled himself to do what he knew he had to do. "Fine." He took her head and slammed it into the wall, which effectively knocked her out. 

"Leroy!" Freya cried. "What did you do?" She reached out to inspect Kat's head and was relieved to find that there was only a small bump.

He sighed. "She wasn't going to cooperate if she was in pain, so I knocked her out. For a while, she'll be out cold, which means that I can get the other scientists and examine what's happening to her."

Nova narrowed her eyes, trying to decide whether to believe him or not. "Alright. So where do we take her?"

"To the labs. There, we can examine whatever is growing on her back, and figure out what to do from there," he said nonchalantly.

"You realize that this is our friend, right?" Nova said accusingly. "She's not an experiment. You're talking as though if something goes wrong, you'll just start testing the next subject. This is Kat, alright?"

Leroy glared at her. "You think I don't know that? I'm trying to cope with the fact that Mr. Perfect is living here with the rest of the guys and me, and now I have to deal with Kat? I am pretty much the only person on this helicarrier that knows as much about biology and science as any of the scientists, so I am your best bet, alright?"

Nova inspected her nails as she said, "Adam is an expert too..."

That only made Leroy angrier. For the past week, Kat had been spending all of her time with Mr. Fantastic, a.k.a., Adam. Ever since she had been crippled, Adam had been there with her. All. The. Time.

It was a bit annoying at first, seeing someone else looking at Kat the way Leroy looked at her, but when Kat began to look back at him the same, way...

"Nova," Freya said cautiously. 

Nova shrugged. "It's the truth."

"Whatever," he muttered, turning back to Kat. "I'll take her to the labs."

"Do you need help?"

"I've got it," he said through gritted teeth.

He slipped his left arm around her back, and his right arm underneath her knees and lifted her easily. Leroy backed out of the room and started to carry Kat's limp body down to the laboratories where he could figure out what was going on with her. 

He looked down at her unconscious form and felt himself begin to thaw a bit. She was pretty... But she liked An-- Adam. She liked Adam.

And she would never like Leroy.


Dear readers,

*Wipes tear from the corner of my eye.* I know. I know. I'm absolutely terrible.

What do you think the white silky stuff is? Is it dangerous? Is it good? Give me your feedback!


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