Chapter 7: A Mission!

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Director Fury showed up about an hour later. "Alright, team! Follow me for a briefing of your first mission," he said suddenly. He waited for everyone to gather at the door before leading them down a series of hallways. 

Nova nudged Kat. "A mission! This will be our first one as a full team! How exciting!" 

"Yeah..." Kat said, less enthused. She had planned on leaving right away, but now that they were being forced down the hallway like sheep, that seemed like a bad plan.

They filed into a room with eight chairs and a large screen on the wall. The room was empty other than that. "Alright. Sit down and we'll begin the debriefing," Director Fury ordered. Kat sat down next to Nova and Dian. Freya sat down on the other side of Nova, taking the last seat in their row. Everyone else sat behind them.

"Excuse me, sir. Whom is the last seat for?" asked Nani.

"No one. I just don't like asymmetrical seating arrangments. Now, if you'll look at the screen, please." The lights went down and the screen lit up. 

A man's voice narrated a scene of a boat. A shot taken from some sort of aircraft it looked like. "There's been hints for years of the rising of an organization called Viper. Viper is not just any terrorist group; they have in their possession a weapon far greater than anything we have ever seen.

The picture on screen changed to a red and black stone, with white and clear accents, the colours swirling in on themselves. "Viper has stolen a super weapon called the Monestone from SHIELD, which is a stone that holds every element known to man... And known to creatures not on Earth. This stone holds the secrets of outer space. However, Viper has yet to discover its secrets. 

"Your mission is to find their ship and take the Monestone, so they don't tap into it's knowledge and information. Good luck." The screen faded out to the SHIELD logo, then went black.

The lights went back on and Director Fury was back up front. "Do you have any questions?"

Freya stood up. "That's it? All we get is that some rock's been taken and we have to get it back? How about telling us where the boat is?"

"Um, and why are we going?" asked Leroy. "I mean, I'm psyched for a mission, but we're just kids. And Kat hasn't even had any training yet. How is she supposed to help us?"

Kat turned around to look Leroy in the eye. "You didn't bother to greet me, or even look in my direction, so I wouldn't go judging me right off the bat. And as for training, I think I'm good in the combat area. And it doesn't take that long to learn how to shoot a gun, does it?"

Nova nodded and said to Director Fury, "Sir, I think we're okay in the participants area, but exactly how are we supposed to find Viper? They sound an awful lot like Hydra and the Teseract..."

"They are similar, and you will find them because I have located a mole in our ranks, put a tracking device in their pocket and am currently tracking them to the coast of Florida," responded Director Fury.

"Wow. You really planned this out, didn't you," said Dian, his dark arms crossed. 

"We have to be prepared," Director Fury said. "Now, we're going to get you fitted to some... special... uniforms that fit all of your needs. For example, Kat will have a uniform with intentional slits for her wings. And Nani will have a suit that changes to fit her in whatever shape she--"

Nani cut him off with a glare. 

"What do you mean "whatever shape"?" asked Freya, glancing back at Nani. "I mean, she can't change her form. Not that she's told us..."

"Never mind. Anyway, it will go like that. If you will follow Agent Morika, she will direct you to the fitting rooms."

A tall woman with auburn hair and a kind smile entered the room, gave a little wave an led the way out of the room without saying anything.

"I guess we should follow her," said Dian, jumping up. 

Kat nodded. "Yeah. We might lose her." They all got up from their chairs and chased after Agent Morika, who was already halfway down the hall. 

Walking quickly after her, Kat ended up at the front of the group, beside Nani, who did not look happy. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"No, I'm not. I like my outfit the way it is," Nani snapped, and Kat could tell that it was more than just an outfit change. She tried to make her way into Nani's mind, but a flash of bright white light made her stumble. 

Nova, who was behind her, caught Kat as she started to fall. "Whoa! Are you okay, clumsy-pants?"

Kat, who was bewildered nodded quickly, regaining her balance. What had just happened? That never happened when she usually read people's minds. Not that she did it often... But still. It was unusual for her to be... rejected from someone.

Shaking her head, Kat smiled and said, "Yeah. I'm fine. I was just... giving the floor a hug!"


"I'm freaking talented!" The two girls laughed, but Kat's was forced, and she glanced up front at Nani. Something about that girl was off.


Dear readers,

The picture at the top is of Freya Lunar. Or at least, how I envision her. 


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