Chapter 40: The Pain

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A wee later, Kat woke up to a blinding pain in her back. She gasped for air before clawing the bed to find the edge. She found the metal frame and pulled herself to the edge. She  dragged her legs out from under the blanket and fell to the floor. 

Her breathing was labored and the pain was so much she wanted to pass out. Ever since she had been injured, SHIELD had given Kat her own room. She had been thankful, as it was already pretty embarrassing, needing a wheelchair and all, but now, as she was writhing in pain on the ground, she wished someone else was there to help.

I need to see what's happened, she thought.

She reached one arm out and pulled herself a few inches forward. She did this a few more times before she had to stop for a break. 

About ten minutes later, she was in the adjoined bathroom. She steeled herself and stood up. 

Kat rolled up the back of her shirt. The pain was so bad that tears started to form in her eyes. Just a bit more. Just... a little bit.

When she was satisfied that she had rolled it up enough, she turned her head to look in the mirror. She scanned her back and couldn't see anything. 

Then it hit her.

There wasn't anything there. Absolutely nothing.

One second later, a scream that could wake the dead rang out through the helicarrier. 


Dear readers,

Yeah, I know. I'm evil. I'm so sorry. (Not really >:) )


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