Chapter 21: Simulations

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Dear readers,

Sorry for such a short chapter. I didn't have much of a plan for this one, and I didn't want to give anything away too quickly. Also, I'm going to be going back and revising the previous chapters, adding in pieces of other characters' goings on. For instance, I am going to be giving you a glimpse of the innerworkings of Viper, and even a little peek into Kat's past, and what's going on now. So, in the next chapter, I'll tell you if I managed to go back and fix it. The picture above is a picture of the lab that Kat had been taken to as a child. I kind of looks like Kit Kat sticks, don't you think? Comment what you think it looks like. Thanks for reading this huge Author's Note! Luv ya,



Kat told him the whole story; everything that had to do with the tests, and the doctors and scientists, all that she knew about its whereabouts... She even told him about the one thing she had tried to keep hidden her whole life.

She didn't really know why she felt she could trust him, but if he was the leader of a super secret spy organization, then he must be pretty good at keeping secrets.

"So, you're telling me that the people came here specifically to tell you that they knew where you were and were coming for you, but that they didn't actually try to get you? How does that make sense? And from what you've told me, these people are very organized and logical."

Kat shrugged. "I have no idea. Maybe it was just their screwed way of playing with me?"

Director Fury snapped his fingers. "How do you fall into your trances?"

"Um... Sometimes I'll get overwhelmed with memories or things that remind me of those times, and the memory will just... take over, I guess."

"Would you like me to help you with this... issue?" Kat didn't like the gleam in his eye.

She shrugged. "Depends."

"How about this: You come with me and complete what I need you to complete, and I don't kick you out for putting the entire crew in danger?"

Blind panic washed over Kat. She could not lose the only home she had known in forever; she couldn't lose the one place she had really felt accepted... It was the one place where she could really be herself. "I'll do whatever it takes. Just don't make me leave. Please."

Fury smiled. "Then follow me."


"Hey, I remember this place!" Kat exclaimed as she walked into the Simulations room. "Nova tried to kill me here..." Director Fury stared at her for a second before she corrected herself. "Well, not kill, but she put me through a simulation. That's all..."

He nodded and said, "Hmm... So, anyway, I have brought you here to see if I can do anything to help you with your fainting spells. I can't stay for long though; being the director of SHIELD requires me to be in twenty places at once, I'm telling you..." He shook his head.

"Why are you helping me?"

Turning to the control board, Director Fury started twisting knobs and touching buttons and twisting things. "Well, we can't have you faint during your mission, which, let me remind you, is only three days away, and I can't have you putting the rest of your team in danger."

"True... But how does this help?"

Fury shrugged. "It may not. It may just be a stressful situation for you, but I was thinking that if we could find a way to help you deal with the memories, then maybe we could think of a way for you to snap out of it faster. Like, in a few minutes or even seconds, if possible."

"But, I don't even know how long my... fainting spells are anyway." Kat shrugged.

"Well, we're about to find out. I'm going to attach some wires to you now so that I can see into your mind."

Kat inched backwards. "That's not creepy at all..."

"It has to be done." Fury sighed. "Let's get started."

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