Chapter 2: On A New York City Street

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When Kat woke up the next morning, she woke up to the horns and the squeals of tires that came with living in New York. She yawned, and stretched out in her creaky little bed. The blankets scratched at her legs as she crawled out of bed.

Her wings hung loosely behind her as she made her way to the bathroom. They kissed the ground lightly as she walked, the tips just touching the floor softly before bouncing back up.

It was seven in the morning, and the morning rush had begun. People of all walks of life hurried along on the pathways of the concrete jungle, hoping to get to work on time.

Kat sat down and ate a bowl of Froot Loops while she pondered the meaning of life. She did that fairly often. She just sat and thought about everything. Herself, her past (although, she tried not to), her present, her future...

She was just doing what she had to survive, she told herself. If some rich person was going to splurge on snakeskin handbags or a fur coat, maybe it was better in her hands than in theirs. She clearly had a better motive and reason for it.

Those people were the people that thought they owned the earth because they had money. Well, they were wrong.

People with money should not rule the world because the only thing they care about is getting more money. "Oh, who cares about those labourers in Japan," they say to themselves. "It's not my problem. As long as I get my flat-screen TV. Oh, who cares about the pollution in China? It's their fault."

They don't think about how it affects other people. Those people are the people that Kat borrows from because she needs it more than they do.

All of their lives, they do everything in their power to make sure that they make the most money so that they can continue being the biggest and the best. They do it so that they stay in power so that they can do whatever the heck they want.

Well, that time was up.


Kat let out an annoyed breath as she hid behind a dirty, smelly, disgusting dumpster. She was pretty sure either a large mammal or a human being died in that dumpster for how terrible it smelled.

People walked by on the busy city street. People of all shapes and sizes, people of all walks of life, as some people called it.

Peeking around the side, she spotted a tall brunette woman dressed in an expensive yellow and white sundress. To Kat, it was ugly. To the woman, it was probably the most fashionable thing to ever grace the earth.

She was talking to someone beside her as they walked down the street, their six-inch heels clacking on the concrete. They stopped right in front of the alley, and Kat saw the brunette reach into her purse and bring out her wallet.

"No, I've got enough," she said.

The other woman smiled. "Great. So, lunch, and then we can head to Prada?"

"Sounds good to me." The woman slipped her wallet back into her purse and the two women began walking once more.

Kat's next target was on the move. This wouldn't be too hard.

Instead of teleporting, she simply walked behind the women and located the obviously richer woman's wallet.

Reaching her hand into the woman's Gucci designer purse, Kat quickly pulled out the red glossy wallet without her noticing. She slid it into her pocket and easily made it back to the corner and teleported back home.

However, she missed one important thing: the blinking red light on the wallet's clasp.  

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