Chapter 32: Kat or Katja?

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When Adala was alone with the four SHIELD agents, she smiled serenely at them. However, the smile did not reach her eyes, which revealed her hatred and anger. 

All of her hard work had led to this moment, and these children had the audacity to interrupt her plans? How dare they? How dare they break into her laboratory and attempt to take the one thing that could unlock all of the secrets of the universe?

It was rightfully hers! They had no claim to it! And if they did, she sure wasn't going to give it to them without a fight.

"My children, I believe you have trespassed, attacked my men, threatened me, all the while, failing at your own task." The smile fell off of her face and was replaced with a scowl. 

Leroy scoffed. This woman didn't intimidate him... yet. "I don't think we've failed just yet."

"You've been caught, and you're clearly down a few members... How would you consider this a successful mission?" Adala said, mocking curiosity.

"We're here, aren't we?" Nani spat at her venomously. She had met people like this before. The awful scientists who tested children just for the sake of "discovery" as they called it. This was not the first time she had encountered someone like this, and it certainly wasn't going to be the last. 

Meanwhile, Nova was searching the room for cameras and weapons, even though she still had her knife strapped to her thigh. During her search, her eyes fell on Kat, and her eyes widened with recognition.

Kat put her finger to her lips in a "shh" motion. If Nova blew her cover now, they'd all fail, and the Monestone would be lost.

Nodding very slightly, Nova turned back to the group, trying not to draw attention to herself.

"You need to calm down, girl," Adala ordered, staring at Nani viciously.

Nani clenched her fists until her knuckles were white. "Don't tell me what to do."

Adala took a threatening step forwards. "I do not take orders from children," she snapped. "And especially children like you." She scanned Nani up and down with disdain. "Ugh. The shape-shifters are always the worst kind. Especially your type. I'd promised myself after the last one, I believe his name was Cole? Anyway, I'd promised myself that I wouldn't take anyone else like him, so I'll have fun killing you myself."

Instead of a scathing reply, a gasp of horror escaped from Nani. Her eyes were wide with astonishment and fear. Then her mask came back down. "Who told you? Who told you about him?" she questioned fiercely.

Leroy put a hand on her arm. "Take a chill pill, Nani," he whispered. "She just wants to get a rise out of you, and you're giving her exactly what she wants."

She took these words into consideration before taking a step back. "You know what?" She grinned at Adala. "I won't make a big deal out of this, but I will tell you this much. If you try anything, I will kill you."

Kat took that moment to step into the light. "I don't think we'll be killing anyone anytime soon."


Adala grinned and moved to stand beside Kat, who she'd assumed to be Katja. After all, how could the real Kat have escaped the invincible cell that they'd put her in? It was immune to all powers, and quenched them to uselessness.

"You see, children. This girl knows what's good for her. She chose the smart side. You chose the good side," Adala said disdainfully.

Since Nova was the only one who knew which side Kat was really on, she wasn't surprised. However, the others were shocked beyond belief.

"KAT?!" Nani screeched. "What the heck are you doing here?"

Kat crossed her arms, trying to figure out what Katja would have done. "Who's Kat? My name is Katja," she lied.

Freya stared in disbelief. "How... What..."

"My children, behold my pride and joy, Katja, otherwise known as 'Kat's' clone." She smiled lovingly at Kat, who wanted to throw up. "Even though my biological daughter has chosen the wrong side, her clone can still redeem her."

Even though the thought of being loved by her mother made her want to puke, Kat smiled back. "Thank you."

"Now," Adala said suddenly, her gaze hardening. "In order to prove that you are truly Katja, I want you to kill one of them."

Kat froze. "Why would you want me to kill one of them?" she asked nervously. "It's not like they're useless."

"Because switches have happened in the past, and I don't want it to happen now," Adala retorted. "Now, choose one. If you successfully kill them, then I'll know it's truly you." 


Dear readers,

I am soooooooo sorry for not updating sooner. I've just been super busy with school, and other things, and procrastination. I hope you can forgive me. 

Hopefully, only a few more chapters!


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