Chapter 10: Im pregnant

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Ok,so,for the last two days,I've been sick.Ive been throwing up and having stomach aches.August thinks I have a stomach virus.I don't know what's going on.I hate this feeling.I haven't really eaten because I was scared I was gonna throw it back up.August has been trying to make me eat but I've been refusing.This morning I woke up to tried and eat some cereal but i threw it back up.I missed my period last week.Ive been constantly eating food but throwing it up.My butt and breasts have gotten bigger.I have had the worst headaches.August suggested we go to the doctors but I said no.Hes been worried and so have I.Ive been up since 4:00 this morning.It is now 9:01.Ive been downstairs watching tv with a trashcan beside me just in case.August is still asleep.He's suppose to leave today and go visit his great grandmother with his family.Its her birthday.She turns 89.I have to go wake him up in a few minutes because he's suppose to be leaving by 9:50.I was invited to go but I'm scared I might get sick again.So I chose to stay home today.I might have to call the girls to stay here with me to keep me company.I don't know what's wrong with me.One minute I'm mad then I don't know why.Then one minute I'm happy and jolly.My moods have been quickly changing.Maybe something I ate something that didn't cooperate well with my stomach.

I carefully walk upstairs to wake august.He so cute.He looks like an adorable little baby boy sleeping.I shake him.He didn't wake up.I shake him again.
"August babe.Get up."I whisper as I shake him once more. him.I shake him harder.He doesn't wake up.
"AUGUST!GET YO ASS UPP!"I yell causing him to pull the covers over his head.I go to the bottom of the bed and snatch the covers off the bed.He jumps up.
"What you doin?!"he says frowning with a bit of an attitude.
"First off,who you raising yo voice at?Second,you need to get up and get dressed.Arent you going with you family to visit your grandma?"I stand by the door.He checks his phone.His eyes buck in shock.He jumps out the bed and runs to the closet.
"Oh shit!!!I forgot!!Thanks babe for waking me up!"he runs over and kisses my head.I smile you welcome and close the door.I hear him call my name.
"What?"I open the door back up.
"You sure you don't want me to stay and look out for you?I can if you want."
"I'm sure.Im gonna call the girls and tell them to come over here.Thank you though."I smile.He leans in for a kiss but I stop him.
"Til I find out what's wrong with me,we can't kiss or have sex."I blow a kiss.He smacks his lips.
"Ally really.Not even a peck?"he whines.I shake my head.
"Fine."he walks back to the closet.I blow another kiss although he didn't see it and close the door.I call up Normani.

Normani:Hey girl!!Hows the married life been going?

Me:Hey mani.Its been going good.Can you do me a favor?

Normani:Ofcourse.You sound low.Are you ok?

Me:Yeah.Well no.Ive been throwing up and been sick for the last two days and I don't know what's going on.August is leaving to go visit his family for the day and I need someone to keep me comapany.Can you and the girls come over?

Normani:Oh my gosh!ok ummm ok sure I let the girls know and we'll be over there as soon as possible.Sit tight ally.bye.


I hear August come downstairs.I walk over to him.
"I guess I'll see you later on tonight huh?"August says sadly.I appreciate him wanting to take care and stay here with me but he needs to spend time with his family.
"Yep.Be careful.Tell your mom I said hello ok."I blow him a kiss.I really wanted to kiss him.I had an attempt to do it.He grabs the keys and his wallet.I walk him to the door.I see the girls pull up in the driveway.They get out the car as August gets in his car.He smiles and waves one more time before pulling out.I wave and the girls do the same.

"Hey ally."they say coming into the house.
I wave.They had bags in their hand.
"What's in the bags?"I ask no one in particular.
"We got a couple things for you.Plus some movies."Lauren says grabbing the bag from Dinah.She pulls out about 3 movies.
"We bought some movies,vitamin c,fruit-"
"Wait.Why did you get vitamin c?"I ask picking up the bottle.
"Because it'll help keep food to stay down and get rid of your stomach pain."Normani sits down on the couch.
"We also got you a pregnancy test."Camila takes the pregnancy test out the bag.Lauren takes the fruit in the kitchen and puts it in the fridge.a pregnancy test?
"Why did you get a pregnancy test?"I pick up the pregnancy test and read the directions.
"Because there can be a possibility that you could be pregnant."Dinah walks back in the living room.
"What?How could I be pregnant?"I ask confused.Normani sighs.
"Ally,have you and August had sex?"
"Yes."I sit on the couch next to her.
"Ally your butt is getting big and so are your boobs."Camila points out all off topic.Dinah slaps Camila's arm.
"Has he used protection?" Normani continues.
I shake my head.
"Not to get to personal but,has he let go inside of you."she whispers.
I nod my head.
"Well then.You could be pregnant.It could be possibility ally." Normani rubs my shoulder.Wow.What if I am pregnant?I might be a mommy.Wait,this means August might become a daddy.What if i am pregnant and august doesn't want a child.Then what?What if he doesn't wanna be married to me anymore.Im excited about me might being a mommy but at the same time,I'm scared of August's reaction.
"So take this."Dinah hands me the box,
"And go in the bathroom."
"So you're saying I gotta pee on this?"I re-read the directions.
They all laugh and nod their heads.I take a deep breath and walk into the bathroom.

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