Chapter 7 pt. 1: Marriage

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I'm ready to make ally my wife.Im so serious about this.We've been together for almost two years.And it has been the best two years of my life.I have felt so lucky since I've been with her.Shes an angel sent from above.Im so definite of my decision.My parents think that I should really marry her.The only thing is,I have to talk to her parents.I also wanna make it a surprise.Like,I wanna do it in front of a sea of people.Or in private.Ill just call Normani.

Normani:hey August.Wassup?

Me:Hey mani.Listen can you,the girls,and me meet up somewhere because we need to talk.

Normani:Umm ok sure.How about the sports bar at 8:35?

Me:Ok cool.Thats perfect.See you then.

I hang up the phone and go back to work.I was on my lunch break.


"Hey girls!!come here!"I yell plopping down on the couch.
"What is it?"Dinah asks sitting beside me with the girls doing the same.
"Ok so.August wants to meet us at the sports bar at 8:35."
""Lauren agrees.
"Lets go dressed."Dinah says.We get dressed and head to the bar.


I pull into the bar.I find a spot and wait on the girls.My phone rings.Its ally.

Me:hey beautiful.

Ally:Hello there sexy man.
She sounds so sexy.
Ally:Where are you?its 8:25.

Me:Traffic babe traffic.Someone got in an accident like a mile ahead and I can't get off the interstate because my exit is where the accident happened.
I didn't wanna lie.But,I didn't know what else to say.i see the girls pull up outside.
Ally:oh.well I was letting you know that it's a naked woman laying across your bed.She said she was waiting on you.

Me:Oh really?Well you tell that woman to wait and I'll be home as soon as possible.
Two can play that game.
Ally:I don't know.She looks like she's about to go.
The girls walk in and spot me.They wave and walk over.
Me:No tell her to stay.Ill be there in about 45 minutes.

Ally:I'll think about it.Love you.Bye.

Looks like I got a present waiting on me at home.
"Hey ladies"I hug the girls.
"Hey" they say together.They sit down.
"So what did you have to talk to us about?"Camila asks.
"It's about ally."I tell them.
"Y'all broke up."Lauren throws out.
"No no no no no.I wanna marry her."
They gasps and scream of happiness.
"WELL MARRY HER!You have our permission."Normani yells out.
"Thank you.But the problem is I have to talk to her parents."
"Well you've known them your whole life.They know you're a great person.They should allow you."Dinah suggests.I nod my head slowly agreeing.
"Does ally like romantic things or out the blue?" They look at me confused.
"I wanna propose to her but I don't know if she would want it in private or in front of people."I explain.
"She told us and she says this every time we get on the subject of marriage one day,she says we love to be proposed to in private like at a dinner or whatever because it's romantic and sweet."Camila explains to me.
"Ok.Thank you for the information.I love you girls."
"We love you too!"they say hugging me.
"Well if you'll excuse me but I have a present waiting for me at home.I gots to go."I say getting up from the table.They get up and we all walk to our cars.
"Y'all so nasty.But ally is freaky so I already know what he talking about."Normani laughs.They nod their heads agreeing.I laugh.

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