Chapter 19

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Tristan visiting my family brought back so many memories for the both of us.

"He's got it bad." Tris suddenly said, showing me the text that he just got.

To: Tris   From: Rich

Dude, you gotta help me! If Jaz isn't the one, I wouldn't know what to do anymore. 

"Do you remember when-" I started, but Tristan cut me off: "Of course I remember. I practically remember every second I was awake."

"Really?" I asked.

"Really." he reassured me, "I could never forget, those few days marked the rest of my life. You have no idea how much I love you."

"I still do it, you know."

"Do what?" he asked.

"Fall in love with you, over and over again." I told him.

"Me too." he said, "Every day I find a new reason to."


Rich's phone started to ring, "Yeah?" he said, picking it up.

"Oh, hey Pat! Yeah, Jaz is here." he put the phone on the ground, pressed the speaker button and Nathan and I crowded round, "Pat, you're on speaker phone, Nay's here too."

Patrick addressed me: "Happy sixteenth birthday Jasmine!"

"Thanks!" I tell him.

To be honest, I don't really get the chance to talk to Patrick that often, so I didn't have a single clue what to say now.

Apparently Rich noticed my uneasiness, even when I did my best to hide it, "Hey Pat! I have some wicked news!"

There was a pause before I heard Patrick say: "Should I be scared?"

"What do you even think of me?" Rich answered, pretending to be deeply offended, "Well, I would be." Nathan chimed in.

"You're worse." I tell him.

"Will someone just tell me what this 'wicked' news is?" I could practically hear Patrick using air quotations through the phone.

"Okay, here goes nothing." Rich started, "I finally told Jasmine here how I feel about her." 

I could feel his arm wrap around my shoulders and Nathan hunched over a little further, "I'm so lucky to be able to call her my girlfriend now."

"Same here." I smiled at him.

"Ah, well, I'm very happy for you both." Patrick said, but I could hear in his voice that the was a but coming up, "But, we might have a slight problem. Tristan and June told me the exact same thing, did they tell you what I told them?"

"Yes, yesterday, you made them promise not to tell anyone, so we only just found out." Rich accused Patrick.

I could hear Patrick swallow before he continued: "Ah, yes, that. I won't ask you to keep it from each other, because I know now that when I asked June and Tristan to do that it wasn't fair on them and because the others probably already know. Can I just trust that you won't tell anyone who will spill it to the internet?"

Of course I wasn't happy about having to keep my love a secret, but I had to think of the future that Twenty4Seven could have.

The real fans would be happy for us, but I knew there was no arguing with Patrick on this, we couldn't just assure him, he had to see it for himself. 

And quite frankly, our secret would spill sooner or later anyway.

"We promise." I told him.

Nathan quickly filled Patrick in on their travel plans, but I wasn't listening anymore.

I glanced over at the clock again, this time it said that it was something past ten.

We didn't have much time left.

My mum walked into my room, "Are you boys ready?" she asked.

"Yes, Mrs Adams." Rich answered for Nathan as well.

Rich looked over at me with a sad look in his eyes, I could practically tell what he was thinking: We'd have to say goodbye.

And I would have to do it again with Mike and Tristan.

I knew this was coming, I just wished it didn't have to be this way.

Why couldn't all of us just live in Portsmouth together?

"Come on." I said, pushing those thoughts aside and getting up from the floor.

We could do this.

We had to do this.

We didn't have a choice.

It sucked.

"You know," Nathan said, "walking beside me, "I'm going to miss our banter."

"Doesn't mean I can annoy you by spamming you with texts." I smirked while bumping into him.

"You can most certainly try."

Rich came up behind us and shoved himself in the middle, "Jaz, don't. We're trying to be a serious band, if Nay is preoccupied with a texting war... It just wouldn't work."

"Don't be such a buzzkill Richy." I said, pinching his cheek.

"Here we go again." Nathan mumbled, running down the stairs in order to get away from us.

"Just leave him."

I looked after him, I didn't think Nathan was mad at me, I mean this was the way in which we communicated, our form of banter.

But this was Nathan Lambert we were talking about, he'd get over it.

"Do you guys need a hand?" I heard my dad asking Nathan, "We're good." he replied.

I helped the guys load their bags into the trunk of my dad's car before we all got in.

Nathan sat in the passenger's seat while Rich and I sat in the back, Rich sat in the middle while I sat next to the right window, so he could hold my hand.

It was vary cute of him, but I was very aware of my father looking in the rear-view mirror, I was so in for a two hour long speech when we got back.

When we reached the hotel, Mike and Jade were already chilling in the outside section of the lobby's cafe.

For a change the weather was rather nice today, so the hotel being located next to the coast was very nice.

The three of us took the bags from the trunk and up to the hotel room the guys were staying in for one last night.

Around the time we finished and returned to the lobby, June and Tristan had also arrived.

"Can we get some coffee?" I asked Rich, wanting to drag out our time.

"It's already past ten and you want coffee?" he questioned.

"Fine, tea."

He agreed to that and the girls and I stayed another 45 minutes before my dad practically came and dragged me away from the guys.

Saying goodbye wasn't easy, but it wasn't forever.

Author's Note:

Don't worry! This is not the end of the book, not just yet, even though we are very close.

I know Patrick ruined some feels, but please forgive him, he's just thinking of the band's future.

Anyway, I hope you guys did enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment before you leave!


#2 If You're Not The One [Rich Scholes] UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now