Chapter 14

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There was only one slip of paper left in the cup and we all knew what it was, but for the sake of theatrics but Mike pulled it out anyway.

It was finally time for Truth or Dare, a game I was really looking forward to.

We started to sit down in our original positions again as I was still half hanging myself over Rich's shoulder.

I hardly got to play Truth or Dare, because most of the time it was just June, Jade and I.

I started to think of a few ridiculous dares that I was hoping to get the guys to do.

There was a huge grin that had started to form on my face, but I just shook my head when June shot me a questioning look from across our circle.

Rich was on my left and Nathan on my right when we all sat down.

"Who wants to start?" Mike asked. "I'll go." I heard Rich say next to me, then he turned to me, "Jaz, truth or dare?"

He had to start with me. Of course.

I was actually going to say dare, but then I saw a mischievous smirk forming on Rich's lips and decided the other option, "Truth." I told him.

"Fine, be boring." he said, "If your life were to be made into a film, who'd you want to play you?"

Now that I wasn't expecting, he was probably expecting me to choose dare, so he wasn't prepared with a better question.

Even though that was probably true, it didn't matter. I had no idea what to answer, so it took me quite a while to finally say: "I'd choose Shay Mitchell to play me."

"Who?" Nathan asked, "Shay Mitchell, she plays Emily in Pretty Little Liars, I'll show you a picture later." Jade chimed in.

As we were going clockwise it was now Mike's turn. "Tristan, truth or dare?" he asked, "Dare, because I'm not afraid like Jasmine."

I stuck out my tongue out at Tristan for that comment.

"So be it. Choose a player and make them laugh within thirty seconds, if you can't, you'll have to do another dare." Mike explained.

Tristan turned to June straight away and started to tickle her to the extent that she was on her back hitting him, trying to get him to stop.

For the rest of us it was a very amusing sight.

"Oh, bonus points for me." Tristan said when he saw that he hadn't just made June laugh, but all of us as well.

"Whatever." Mike said, clearly trying not to be impressed.

I just shrugged and we carried on with the game.

Now it was Tristan's turn, "Rich, truth or dare?" he asked.

"I refuse to do any of your dares, so I pick truth." Rich answered, "Well, they aren't as bad as yours." Tristan fired back.

Rich looked very proud about that remark and I just rolled my eyes.

"What would you do if you were invisible for a day?" Tristan finally asked, "Seriously, that's it? I expected way worse form you." Rich fired at him, "Okay, that's easy, I'd rob every single music related shop that I can find."

After that it was June's turn and she chose Mike, "Dare." he said, "I dare you to proclaim your undying devotion to the next person that enters our tent circle." she told him.

"Undying devotion? How long does this dare last for?" he asked, "Until it's completed." she answered.

It wasn't an outrageous dare, but I still wondered who the 'lucky' person would be who would get Mike's undying devotion.

#2 If You're Not The One [Rich Scholes] UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now