Chapter 13

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Paper Towns lasted almost two hours, so when I tried to sit up it was no surprise that my back hurt.

It might not have been a surprise, but it was still annoying.

When the credits started to roll, I quickly stretched as I had been lying in the same position for all that time.

"I actually quite liked that film." Mike admitted after a few awkward moments.

I knew that Jasmine wanted to watch Paper Towns, but I just wasn't so sure about the guys, so Mike's statement was a huge relief.

Well, kind of.

It was Jasmine's birthday, so if they didn't like it, they would just have had to suck it up and deal with it.

This was the moment when the post-film chatting started.

We had established that Mike quite liked it, but the others actually couldn't shut up about it.

The story gave everyone this kind of sudden urge to get in a car and just start without really having a plan.

After about half an hour of fake planning a road trip through America, Jade started to yawn.

"I really want to stay up with you guys, but I'm so tired that it's not even funny any more." she said.

"Don't go!" Jasmine whined.

"But I'm tired."

All of a sudden Nathan jumped up, "I have a most genius idea." he announced, sticking his finger up in the air.

And, with that, he disappeared.

A few minuted he came back with a mug in his hand.

"Coffee?" Jade asked, "But it's like one am."

"So? Drink up." Nathan answered.

The second Jade finished and put her mug aside, Rich eagerly said: "So, what do you guys wanna do?"

I thought about that for a minute, I hadn't really planned this far ahead, but before I could even come up with something Nathan said: "We should play a game!"

For some reason he seemed really excited about this, "Like what?" Tristan asked.

We all came up with ideas and in the end we had two that we couldn't choose between, half of us really wanted to play cards and the others wanted to play Truth or Dare.

I personally didn't feel like playing cards, I was more in the mood to do Truth or Dare, but Mike, Jade and Rich did.

We couldn't come to an agreement, so wrote both of them on slips of paper and put them in an empty cup.

We could just have just flipped a coin, but we were stupid enough not to think of that.


June got the honours and pulled a slip of paper out the cup with her eyes closed.

"Cards? Ugh, fine." she groaned, Mike, Jade and Rich started cheering quietly.

I started to chuckle at the sight, it was quite amusing, they were like little kids.

Even Rich was acting all giddy. Rich who was normally more reserved than the others.

I wonder if it was the sugar.

Nathan went to grab some cards and we all sat in a circle.

We decided to play Cheat (in America they call it Bullshit).

June always said that she learnt all her tricks from her dad, but she was so sneaky!

I don't think that Michael McKean could have possibly taught her those.

June just put down a joker in stead of an ace, I was sure of it, so I took the risk and said: "Busted!"

"Busted? Don't you mean McBusted?" Jade asked me.

"Oh god..." Tristan mumbled, turning around as if he could escape that whole comment completely.

Jade started to laugh, well, more like cackle.

"Thanks Nathan." I said.

"What did I do?" he asked me, looking offended.

Wasn't it obvious? I rolled my eyes.

"You were the one who gave her coffee!" I told him, "This is your fault."

All of a sudden there was a high-pitched sound coming from next to me and I jumped up in surprise, almost knocking Rich over in the process.

Jade had started to cackle even louder, but in a high-pitched tone that kind of hurt my ears.

June leaned over and slapped her arm, "Pull yourself together woman! This is a matter of life and death! Sheesh!"

After a few rounds I busted June for cheating like a million times (For you who don't know, cheating and lying is the point of the game).

Finally Tristan put his last card down: "Two queens."

I just looked at him, not sure if I should risk it, but thank god for me, Rich did: "Liar, Liar, Tardis on fire!"

Tristan looked at him: "You sure?"

"Yes, someone's gotta stop you from winning."

"Your choice." Tris said, turning over the two cards, revealing what indeed were two queens and put his arms up in victory.

"I am victorious!" he declared.

"Yeah, well you're gonna get your ass whooped during Truth or Dare." Mike said, "You can count on that."

June burst out laughing when Tristan went overboard to pretended to look scared, "Oh, I feel so threatened."he said, waving his hands in a wavy motion.

Rich grumpily took the pile of cards and then we went on with our game.

I got second place and you moved over to help Rich as Tristan was helping June, not that either of us was of much help because Rich was fifth place and June was last.

Mike just about got away with third place, Jade was fourth and Nathan sixth.

"Why did we even play this game?" Rich asked, annoyed that he lost big time.

"Because you really wanted to." I reminded him.

"Yeah, but that was before I lost and got fifth place." he whined.

"Oh, quit your whining." Jade said, still giggling.

"Okay, I'm definitely not giving your any more coffee." Nathan said, looking at Jade with a slightly scared expression on his face which caused me to start laughing.

Suddenly June started belting out:

"To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No, you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life!"

When she was done she looked around, at all of us as if she'd just did a terrible thing.

"What was that?" Jade asked, "Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan." Mike answered.

"I mean, duh." he added as if everyone should know it.

Author's Note:

So, here's another chapter! Two in one week, I'm on top my game.

No more exams, tests or homework to do, so I have so much time for Wattpad.

I've been looking forward to this moment for so long!

Oh well, enjoy.

Please vote and comment, people don't realize it, but it really does help.


#2 If You're Not The One [Rich Scholes] UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now